Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

©5.00 Ilewai*d. A Lady’s G0LD WATCH, Key W inding, lost betweeu Nuaanu, King, Bethel and Merchani Streets. The reward will be given to the hnder by returning to the olhee. jan.3-lwd WM. DAYE8, R1GGEB : i.VD : STEVEDORE ESTIMATE3 AXD COXTRACTS ON' ALL KI.VDS OF WOBK, # Office: With Wright Enw.. : Fort Strc€t. dec 16-tf W. S. LUCE AVine and Spirit Merchant (-amphell Fire-proof Eloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU Chas. T., Gulick notary public For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowledgmenis to Labor Contracts. ‘ Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen- ‘ ses, Honolulu, Oahu. ' Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt <fe Scott’s Freight and Parceis Express. Agent for the Burlington Konte. - Beal Estats Mer aii teal Aieil I ! ' Bell Tel. 348; Mut TeL 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MEBCHANT Sireet, Honolulu. H. L