Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hawaiian Open H«use TO-NlGHT, JANl'ARY H, 1894. Grand lomoli .Ui \ TENDEBF.D TO Miss JULIE ALBU, S. R. C. M. Special an , anK en ? ea J s °f Native Airh will be snng as Duetts by the Misses Aiei', HRsisted hv the Q,uintette Club Ueading Loeal Talent W’ill be a Fsatore of the Eveuing MISS JUL1E ALBU Will sing “Siug Sweet Bird." “Best of All” and “Tell Me Mv Heart. " M1SS ROSK ALBU W T ill aing “Ankl Kohin Gray, ’ *‘lt Was a Dreara’' and a “C»vatina Fmm Sonnam-j hula."’ THE M188E8 \LBU In duete, will »ing “Hear Mej Nonna," (by reqnest) and| ‘1 Wonld That My Love.“i Reserveil saats. $1; other 3Mls 75 aud 50 oenla. Box plan open at 9 o'eloek this morning at r - LJ.Leveys. ' M L M PLONKETT, Manager. jan 4-kl 1 - >^otiee. The Anuual Meeting «»f tke HONOLULU CRICKET CLUB will be be)d at tbe Hawaiun Hotel, on WEDNESDAY Ihe 10th iu«L at 7 o’eloek P.H. R L. AUERBACH. * Secretarv. 11-4.