Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The dejcand, dared to be uiade, | by the so*called secret political orgaoization whieh is permitted to exist by Government order, is sufticieutly strong eridence of the weakness of the “powers that be and of the class of people on whom tbey depend for support Rarely, if ever. wouid Messrs Dole, Hatch, Kiug, W ilder, Atherton, Henry Castle, | Rev. Hyde. Sereno Bishop, or other auudxatiooists invite, eren the oflicers of tbe League, to their honses. Whai aj eomieal combination it woold I present if Dr. McOrew shou!d gire a reception a« bis resideuee and amoug those preseot woold I be noted, beeides the le*ding citiaeus iueutioned. the shiningl risages of Tim Mnrmy, J tte k* MeLain and “Poker Dan.'' Bm may be lhey would be repreeente<i | bv filibnster Smith. »