Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Y M C. A. sidewalk htg now a oeai. mucb needed. granite corhing The ste*mer Kaala sailed ai 8 o'eloek this morning for a circnit of Oahu. The wind to-day has been well to the nortbw.ird sky OTerca«t; sallry weather. The steamer € R Bishop »port« the 9hips bell of tbe wrecked Lady Lampson. Tbe scbooner Noma ig rather erratic, or mther the e&piain is. Tne vessel will not get away before tom irro\t '• a The t»*iutberly weither seems to be hovering about and is liahle to make its presence known at any momenl bv a heavy downj>onr of rain. Heavy rain showers prevailed during Snnday. Abont midnigbt vivid lightning was apparent, accoraj)anied by occasional growls of distant thnnder. The Ū S. Cutter Corwin w«s due in San Fruncisco on the 4th, Friday. She took forward Mr. Dole's answer to Minister Willie' requett to ‘step down and out.'’ Laek ot apaee compels a leugtby notice of the Albu concert, of last Saturday evening, being held over. The concert was a grand succes«. The four-raasted schooner Transit from San Francisco is otf port as we go to press. Private cablegraru states that Mr. P. C, Jones has been envoy ex, etc., doring Mr. Tharston’s absence. The mails were uot late at all, for the Anstralia, hut were delayed in beiug taken on bo«rd on acconnt of the shipraent of modern Thnrston of mneh Hawaii. Thore having been no returns presented, as yet, from the trustees of Kawaiahao church of , the proceeds of the grand concert given for the benefit of the edifice,theclock thereon haa refused to ’ ‘tic\’ any longer. The uew telephone posts erected by the Bell Telephone Co, under the superintendence of Superintendout Cassidy, have given opportonitv to plaee the former dangling wires in more elevated positiou and gives a neat, orderly, appeamnee to the ieUphone liues. Tbe work done by the em : ployes of the Post Office, when a rnsb eomea, may be s'zsd up when the gener.il public is informed that the mail despatched by the Australia consisted of 10,097 lettersand 6,151 papers. Over twice as manv piecas ol mail matter as were sent forw«rd iu the large Christmas mai) , by the steamsr Ooeanie. “ Wliat fools these mortals be,” that is. the Voloano Houae and loeal Steamahij> Co.’s, if they i exj>ect to got j>eople to pay $225 hard cash, and iucur the dangers ; of a visit to a ooimtry supj>osed ; to be iu the throes of a revo- I i lution. to visit the Voloano in i Hawaii when it ean be seeu with ease comfort and with * st«rtling eflfecta’ iu San Francisco for a j‘‘two bit” pieoe Tburston, thongh. is no fool. San Francisoo is well beuefltted but locallv we { are losera. Mi. William A. SUter. amulHmii)ionair, is having an imtneuse pl«asure yacht built at the H.»tb, Me.. Iron Works. It will cost $259,000, be 206 ft. long on the water-liue, 32 ft. heam. with a meun draught of 13 ft. 4 in. and 1000 horse power engines and a speed of 13 knots easy. The owner a sou of the late Jo)m F. Slater, cotton maimfactuier who set a*ide II .000.000 for the educatīou of the freedmen. pro poses to wake a trip around the globe at the eoai of 11,000.000 arriring h«re m tbe winler of ' 1895