Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — Kate Field’s Christmas Tyrant [ARTICLE]

Kate Field’s Christmas Tyrant

‘T have dccided tli«l Christiu.\8 nffers the greal«>t jH»sfih!e npportunities t«» the d.*mestic tyrant. The m*n w!i >se w:fe has free access to his hink aeoounL whoae sons arc seul t>» oil* ge with enough money t<> eaah!*- th-tn to k«vp uu with the i»r«iCe®8i«»n, wh«)9e daughU>r» h*ve geuerv*«s •lii*wauees and are alh*we*i lo treat with their dresamaker on a ->oU-respecting basis. ean do ootnp.iratiroly liUle for hia family at h.*Ii*iay time. lt i» the 8 >rt of pers*»u —and there are many soch—who holds tlie p«rse fv»r the entire hou9ebold that oan dispeuso ahaolule hliea tt Christmaa. He ean give his wife and children all the thmgs whieh lhey have real y ueeded for the last six nioaths in order U» keep up appvaraoce9, and get in return a disproporliouate quantity of grati> tude. His wife will eurvey her new si!k gowu wilh reverential awe, ihe d*ughter« will be hyeterical with delight over the fur», whieh waru»th real!y demand8, and the e »llege boy will aay a hearlier ‘thank you, BirJ f»r ihe twenty do!Ur cbeqoe tbah hie clas8tnale giv«-s au equally vdl>tA4o parent tor oue of five timas the amouni.” — A'. /’’* Wa*Aiay/-.»«.