Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]


- Successful Raids by Gencral Scissors. Thenormal age of ihe e^ephaul 160 years. Notking easier to aduiterate than t«>lucco. A fuli grown ostrich we : gh:» as tuuch as 2ō0 pouods. The first steamer crossed the Atlantic 5n 1819. Pure etuery eonUioa at least 40 per cent. of iron. Paienla are i?s'.tetl by 64 governmeuts in the wor!d. Four thousand clergymen are out of professionaI work. Maehinee for making tacks were first constructed in I. The cultivaiion of suiail fruit makes progress in England. Women 8horthand-writers are employed in ihe Danish Farliament. No convents either for men or women are to be found iu Swoden or Norway. Cucumbers have a temjx»rature a degree Iower than that of the air 8urronnding them. A telej>hone line. 3,500 milea long, is planned in C.nnada to eonnect llalifux with Vanoouver. Odours and jierfumes are 5n a tnore or less high degree a j>rotection against epidemic diseases. The l»dy of an average fullgrown man weighs 154 pounds. The weight of the skelcton wou!d he ab<iut 24 pounds. Rice is an extrerueiy pro!ific grain, land properly irrigated yielding two or two-and-a-ha!f croj»s a year. It is a singular fact that the body of an e!ephant whieh has died a natur;»l deatb is rare’y, if ever, fouud. Loeal members of the Le»gue of American Wheelmen will try to have the next annual rae**ting of the orgauization held in S,in Franci»co during the Midwintcr Fair. Such gatherings are attended by over 5,000 bicycles. John IiOris. tlie American ehampion ntle and pistol shot, has challeng**d Captain F. S. Cody to shoot wilh rifle and revolver, legilimate shooting, Rritish of Frtnch nrmy nilei», f«>r £100 to £500 and ihe championship of the world. Th« Pacific Cour»ing Club of San Francteco !ns stiect d llie foIlowingofficers: PresideT>t. Mark Devlin; Firsl Vice-Pre*idenl, D. I). Roache; Secoud Vice-Pre?:dent, D. Uillon; Recording Secretary, Geo. Watson; Financiai Secretary. John A. Given»; Treasunr, P. F. Canavan. The Berkeley-SUnfi«rl footba!l garae in San Fra:icisco, Nov. 3»)th was a t:e. Eacb eleven made six poinU. Another year will bave to pa<s befure the ehampionahip of tbe two co!lege« ts decided. Ful!y 18,000 people saw the greatest football game ever played oo the Coast. Tbe weather wa» wretcbed, but the excitement wss intense. Tbe field was like a swantp aod i after a few minulea of play tbe conte«tants were coveml with mud fr>m head to foot and Iooked like ink covcred mariooettes propeLtd haek and forth on a alippery finor. They di 1 oot seem to care and the spectator« did not object, in view of tbe fact that even on a n:ce day a match footbail game is not a dress rehear»al. NoB)dy tninded | the wet and everybody shoute«i to ) keep warm; a» kefore »»id the »core wu tie. And *o it ha» heeo f»r two ye»rs. and the football puhlie weot thoee yong mea to sett!« it one way or otber —oniy aeille it.