Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — THE Provisional Government [ARTICLE]

THE Provisional Government

OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATIOX OF BOKE VUS. ExFcrm-E Couxcil. > - B. Dole, PresMent of the rmT{»{onat Gorent menl »f the Hn*-»;un N’anjv. an l Mini'te o{ Foreijtn Aflairs. J, A. Kins. Mini«ter ■■{ the Interlor. .'. M. Ihmon, Mini»tero( Pinanee. " ■ O. Smith, Att. rney-Genera’. Adtisort Cor\ciL. W. C. \Vil<ii r, Vlce-Pre8ldenl of the Provlston« «Jovernment of the ilawailnn ljUnds. C. ltoite, John Kmmeiuth < t T il Krown. E. D. Teanev John Nott, W. K. AUen John Kna, llt i nrr Wattrhoii9e jBmes i. A. Y"ime , d S> .. h w' . F. M. Hat. ii .1«*«. I*. Mendonc«. rhi T. K"d«ers. Secret&ry F\. «n '. A<lv t’onnclIs. Stpeeme CornT. Hon. A. F. Jnd<l, Chl. f Tnst;ce. Hon. K. F. Bickorton. Fir»t A»soclate Justioe. Hon. W. F. FreT, Secoml As.aocit.te Ju>ticv Hcnnr Smith, chtef C!ork. Ooo. l.no a, r>epntv Clcrk. C F. Peteraon.Seo' nd lV|>aty C’ork. J. "alter Juucs, stenogrsj>her.

ClKCriT Jl DGES. First Circuit: |J; £ Oahu ®fcond rirou'tr (M*aO A. X. Kepoikai. Thirdnnd Kourth Circ";ts: (FTi«waii)S. I_ \n<tio Fifth Circutt: (Kauni) J. H*rdy. Oflipes «nd Conrt-room in Conrt Hoo«* Kim; >trtt’t. Sittinc i n Hinoluln Tho fir«t Mo Iilay in Kebruary, M*y, Aurn»t ar.d ,Vum bcr. I>EPARTJIKSTOF F.IREI iS .\rFAIR.s. Offloein C«pitoi Hulhli >c. Klng street. Hl» Kxeelleney Saafor>i n. Ho e, Ulnisteroi Fon?icn Alf.iirs. fīeo. c. Potter, Secret»ry. W. Hor.ce Wright, Uouel IlHrt, CIerks. Pepartmextof IkteuobOffloc in Esecutlve Buiidtiig, Kln? street. Hi’ Fxeellency J. \. King, MlnL«tcr of Intcrlor. ( hiei (. Ierk, Ji»h <1 A. II.ss ng»*r. Assista 1 1 Cler»s: H. Bovd, M. K. Keoholt»lo;e. Stephen Mahaulu, (ūu>n:e c. K Cdw.rd S. Uoy,l. Hcrf_ac of A<jRicri.TrKE and Forestry. Prvs‘<lent: His Eicellencr the Minlstcr of Intertor, W.n. G irwin. Allan Herbcrt. Jonn Eu», J.>seph Marsden, Comtnissioner an<l Secretary. CHIEFS OFBURKArS, IXTXRiOR PEPARTHENT. SnrTeyor-GeneraI, W. P. AieTander. Supt. Pubi c Work.«. W. E. Koaeli. Supt. W»ter W rk.<, -\u lreA- Hrown. In»pe<-t<<r. Eleolric l.izhts, John Cas»idv. Krglstnir «f C uvevaitce». T. G. Thrura’ Ro”.i Snpervis<>r. II noluiu. W. H ('umminn. Chicf F.ngines r Flre tvpt.. Jas. II. Hunt. Snpt. luaane .\sylum, Pr. A. McWayne. Repartsient of Finance. Office, Eiecutive Building, King «treet, Ministor of Einanee, Hls EiceIIeucv 8, M. Pnmon. .\niilt >r-‘ieueral, George J. Ross. Ke*I>tr rof Acccunt«. W. C,. Ashley. ( Ierk of Kinauoe Offlce. E. A. Mclnernv. Coi ,-etor-(r“n<Tai <>f Cnstom, J ,s. B. Ca*ttc Tax A«,vsv>r, <>4h<j, J >na. S‘i w. Pepnty Tax Assess r. W, C. « ee-ion. Posto.aster <>ener_:, J. Mort C .t, . CTsro*s Kr rea r. Offiee, Custom Honse. EspUnad.-. Fort «tree;. CoUector-GeneraI. J •*. B Caatie. IVputy-Co ect >r E. B Mc~: rker. Hi rt»'r ua*ter, Cai-t«in A. FuUer. Port Sjrver<>r, M. n ~ nd*rs —. rekeep>r. ••corfte C. ~lra;emeyer. Pinmin or \“ >e.mt <:»n*ral. Office in Eseeutiv« Ba!!diug, King »treet. Atu>mey G<eneraI. W. O. Sraith. ivputy ,iiforwT Geoer*i. O. K. Wlbler. C2erk. J. M. Kea. Mars aj. E. «. H;tch«ock. Ci. rk to M-rsh»i. H. M. Pow. M*r»h»I, Artbnr M. Br>wn. Jaijor O»’-■! PTiaua. J. a. ū>w. Frt»on -.'iaa, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boa*d or laMi iiAnoN. Pr «hl«n'. «»u Exee2'.ecer J. .V, Klne. Meiob«r of the Bo«rl»! laiauniiun: s*oa. J. B- Athertoi>, J *«. ». Caatie. Hoo. A. S. ( ;r*h m. Juuo> G. rpeneer. Mark P. Kohin» -n. Secnrt»ry, Wrmy Tay!or. Bcums op HeaLth Ofice ia pri>';rd»of Coart Boc*e BaGd ‘rt*. romttci MUlUai aa4Qne-.a »:nr*i«. Me»»ber* Dr. Dav. Dr Miaer. 0r. *’.<irews. J. T. W»:erhoo«e Jr . JoDb En». Theo. P. Larutng and Alumei tercer»2 sallk. Prr*aient—Hoo. W. O «milh. SNTrt«r»-Ck«. W kiu. EueathrOficcr-C. B. KeeaoMa. iQ»netur a-«i a«na*vr ot G«rt«urT Servjc«—L. X la hcrrr. IiMpeet-ie—U. W. C- Joo*a. Poet Phy»ieta •. Dr.G. ». Andr*w». Dt»pemaorr, Pr «. W Uoward. hepep S«uieu»adl, Dr. R- K. (Xivar. B>j.ard or E&eeAnoN. Coqm H >ox- Bul2>lLag, itrwt. P*w»ident. **oo_ e. K. Bi«lu>p. S«1W«J, W. J ;<aa f l;t»p»ev.r ->< »c v»iv, a. T. Atkinaon. Dimicr Ocb. K.Uco dtmrton B ji <Lag. Meeehma; *trmat, A. a. M. Kohenaoo. 9aettsrmte. Jma«a A. Thoa»jwoo. Ckr*.