Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THS Pmmiooal Govenmient OFFICIAL LIST OF ME.MBERS AND LOCATION OF BORE\US. EXKCrTIVS Coc\cil. 3, B. PnoUeni of she ProvUlon*l Gotna ment <>! the HawuUn Uland«. «n<t MlnUle: of Forrtjrn .*.fT*ire J. A. King. MirUster ••{ the lnterior. 3. M. Damon, Ministerof Finance. IV. O. 3mith. AttorneT-Geceml. Ai»visory Cotncil. W. C. Wililer. Viee-Pre»Ulent of the PmeiMonal OoTemment of the Hawallan Utand». C. Botte. John Kmmelulh. Ceoil Brown, E. D. Tenner, John Nott, W F Allen. John En», Henrr Waterhou»e. James F. Horgan, A. Y<mng. Fd. S hr. F. M. H»tch, Jo«. P. Memlnne». Chas. T. RoUgers, 9ecrelary Ex. anJ Adr. CouucU». Stpbeme Cockt; Hon. A. F. Jndd. Chi* f liwliee. Hon. R. F. Biekerton, First *ssoei»te Jn«tiee. Hon. W. F. Fresr. Seeond Asaociate Ju»tlee. Hcnrv Smith, Chief Cierk. (ieo. Lue- s, Denuty Clerk. C. F. Peterson,See' ud Depnty Clerk. J. W»lter Jones. Stenographer. ClKCCIT Jl DGE3. First arcuit. Jrf r n<? i O.hn 3eeond Ctreutt: (Maui) A. N. Kepoikai. Tb>nlsnd Fourth Circnits: (tta<rail)3. I-.Au-tin Flfth Cireuit: (Kauoi) J. Hardy, Offlee» «nd Conrt-room in Court Hou«e, Klng street. Sittimc in Honolulu—The flrst Monday in Febru*ry, M»y, Aagu»: »nd N\ vcmber. Dsr*BTMENT OF FORKIOS APPAIKA. OOiee in C«pito! B .lidl >g. King street. Hl» Exeelleney Sauford B. Doic, Miaister of Forelan Affl.irs. Geo. C. Pottor, Seeret»ry. W. Hor«ce Wright, Liouei H«rt, Clerk-. DKPABTMSNTOr ISTKRiOKOffice in Executive Buiiding, Klng »treet. His Exeelteney J. A. King, M!ni»ter of Interlor. Chief Clerx, Joh i A. Has,s nger. Assista.it Clerks: James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Stephen Mahauiu, Ueorge C. Kos», £dir«rd S. Boyd. Bcre.vc of Agriccltcrk AS'D Fofje.tīey. Pres ! dent: His Excellenev the Minlster of Interior. Wm. O lrwtn, Alian Herbert. John Ena, Joaeph M«rsden, Commissioner «nd 8eeretary. Chikfs of Bcrkacs, Ixtcrior Dkp.vktment. Survevor-Geoer«l, W. D. Alexander. 3upt. lhtbl e Works, W. E. Kowelu Supt. W«tcr W >rta. Andrew Brovrn. lnspector, Eieetrie Lighta. Jobn Cas»idy. Kegfstrar <>f C •uvey«uees. T. G. Thmm Ko«d 3uporvlsor. II noiuiu, W. H. Cammligs. Chief Kugin«rr Fir« Dept., J«s. H. Hunt. Bnpt. Iuaane Asylum, Dr. A. MeWaynr. Dkp.vbtmkst of FlS'ANCK. Office, Executive Building, King street, Ministcr of Finance, HLa Exceii«oey 8. M. Dsmon Andit >r-Gen«r»I, Oeorge J. Ro*«. Kegistr<r of Aeeounl». W. O. A»hl«T. Cierkof Klnanee Office. E. A. Mclnemy. Colieetor-Geoer«l of Cu»tom, Jo B. Cast!e T«x A»esor, Oahu, J >u«. w, I>eputy T«x As»ea»or, W. C. W«edon. Postit«ater-<ieneral, J. Mort v*.t. ('cftoms Bcrkac. Office. Custotn Houae. EapUnade. Fort stree!. Co>leetor-General, J». B. <’astle. D<*puty-Co',ect.»r‘ F. B. MeM ek«r, H»rborua»ter. Cat>t«in A. Fuller. Port 3urr«>or, M. » S.nder«. »torekoeprr. (i«orge C. Stmtemcyer. Dspaktmext of Attornkt-Gknkr»l. Offlee tn ExeenUre BaU ilng. King rtrwt. AttorneT-Getveral, W. O. 3mith. Depoty Attorney.GencraJ, G. K. wnder. Clerk. J. M. Kra. Marshai, E. G. HUeheoek. CWrk to M-nhai, H. M. Dow. Depnty M*r*b»!. Arthur M. Brown. Jaiior o«hu Pri»on. J. A. Low. Prtaon PhysieUa, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Bo*ri> of Im: TIO»t. Pr*»l<ient, HU Excellener J. A. King. Membrr of tbe Board of lmaugr*ltoet uon J. B. A!ber!oa. Jaa. B. OaMle. ffno. A. S. Clrgh ra, J>sn C. $peoerf. Mark P. KoiMoa o. Seervt*ry, Wrmy T»yk». Boaro >f HkaLTM OAeein tro!ind»of Cocrt Bon«r BnlMiag. eorn«rof MiiLaai aad Qoa--n «Ueel»Dr Day. Dr. Mloer. Dr. ioiiw J. T. Wat«rito<tae Jr . Jofen f-a«. Theo. F. Lanctag aod .VHenx.T- mmm lal *edth- “ T. »> Aml'.h. EmeeaUw Offirrt—C. B. E» ynoI*i*. Itu|artei a k! aan«{it o( UmUm Serrlce—£L U Pierre. IiuiwL: —<j. W, C. . Mfifllwi, 0r.O. B, ABdnn. M*pntaarr. Dr. H. W. Uowi Iafper āetuetaedt. £>r. R- K. «rd■m Conrt «p, | 1 i iwj Bo*r» of K»ccin.<a, m —n«—. Kiag WMi Iml C. K. BUbjp. 1. Jum »jRttr. r of Hehooia. A. T. Alkiaaoo. Dnrt«iCT CjC«. Mm auiliwi Buiid.Bg. Mwkaai Mt.it, A. 0. M. Koia-naon. MwUtrate. JUMAlkM{*ea,ClK<,