Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

VI. DiTE8, niOuEli ; asd : STEVEDO!!E ESTIMATES AXD CONTRACTS ON' ALL KIXDS OF WOEK. The Scboooner MAHIMAHI, wīll nin regnl*rir b«-trr«n lhis port aud \Vtitha, K*«r*ibapu. Mokuleia, Keawen ui •nd Kniki on tbt tcl*nd of Oaba. For Freight, etc , applj to the C*ptain. Orrici. Wjth Wright Bros., : Forl 6treet. <kc l6-tf POUND MASTER*S NOTICE. Notk» i» herrhr giren to aH p«rsoi». ihat thera uat the Gorenuu«»t Poand at Makikl. 1 #orrel fiilj. fansd (79) inieacnbabta. Aajpenonorptnon* o«ning this hora» u* raqn—«cd to eom« aad take the am on or befora 12 o'eloek aoou oi 6ATUKDAY. iaa.27. 1S»». JAMES KLKON'A. Poani Master. Hakiki. Jan. 9. I*M.^ FOU^TI> A «oitd GOLD PIN on Nuoana streei, al aoou this day. The owner e&n obtaia lbe Pin by proring ovnership at this officā, and p»ying tbe us ml expoose». Hooolulu, Jan. 17.1894. jnnl7 Xw