Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE ProvisioūaI Govenieot OFFICIAL LIST 0F ME.MBERS AXD LOCATIOX 0F BDREAUS. EixcrrrvK Cocncil. 3, B. Dole. Presldent al the Prori«ona*. > Jor emment»(the H«e-xlUu IsUuds. au.l Km »ter of Foreum Affalrs J. A. Kiue. Vlnister »(the InteH»r. 3. M. lUmon, MlnUter of Fln*nee. K o. 3iuitū. Attorney-Gcaer«l. Advisoky Cocxcil. ff. f. Vlf»-Ppejl(liit of the PrOTlsIon«I Govemment of the H «*iUn Nt«nd«. C. Bo!te, ('eeil Prown, John \’ott, John En«. J«me<« F. Monran. Fd. 3 hr. Joe. P. Mendonea. Ch»s. T. Rodtters, Cooncils. John Emmeoiih. E. D. Tenner. W. F. AUen, Henrr \Vaterhouse. A. Youiut, F. M. H«uh. Secret*ry Ei. «nd Adr. Stpkkme CoraT. Hon. A, F. Jndd. Chi«f Iustice. Hon. R. F. Biekerton. Flrsl *»eool«te Jnstiee. Hon. W. F. Fre«r, Seeond AaaoeUle Ju»tioe. Henn- 3mith, Chief Clerk. Geo. Lue- a, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson. Sec >nd Depnty Oerk. J. W«lter Jonee, 3te.iof;r«pher. Circcit Jcdges. Fln.t Ctrcolt: |{ Oihu 3econd Circult: (M«ut) A. N. Kepoikal. Thtrd «nd Fourth Cireniu: (H«w«il):j. l«Austln Plfth Circuit: iKauai) J. Uardv. i OOīeeii «nd Court-room tn Court Honae, Kfnit street. Slttln< lo Honolulu—The (ir»l Mond«y ln Kebm*ry, M«y, August «nd November. D8r«KTKBNT 0F FoKX1C» AFFAIKS. OOlee fn C«pitoI Bu!Mii|r. Klng street. Hls Excellency Sanford B. Doie, Minlster of Eoroign Aff«irs. G«o. C. Potter, Seerct*rr. W. Uor«ce Wnght, Liouel H«rt. Clerks. DirARTXK,VTOr I.HT*KiOKOffice in Execiitire Buliding, Klng street. His Excellener J. A. King, Mlniater of Intorior. Chief CIerk, Joh.t A, H««» nxer. Ass>sta.n Clerks; J«mes U. Bt>yd, M K. Keohokaloie. S»tephou Mahaulu, George C. Ross, £dward 3. Boyd. Dckkac or auriccltckc a.vd Fokx.«tkv. President: Hls Excellency tbe Minister of Interl»r. Woi. O Irw'in, AH«n Herhort, Jonn Ena, J»sepb MauMoii, Commlssiouet «nd SecreUry. Cmxrs or Bcrxacs. Twtewok DxrAKTMxxr. Sarreyor-Gener«l, W. D. Alex*nder. Supl. Publ e Work», W. E. Ko «eh. Supt. W«tcr W:<rks, Andrew Brown. ln»peetor. Eleeliie Ueht«. John C«»sidy. Reg1str«r»fC nrev«nees, T. G. Thrum'. Road Saperrtsor, H molulu, W. H Comml-ifs. Chief Engiceer Flre Dept.. J«*. H. Hunt. Supt. lu&aue Asylum, Dr. A. McW«yoe. Dkpaktxr>t or Finaxcx. G(Bce, ExecotlTC Building. Kln* «treet. .Vlnlster o( Pinanee. Bts Exeell«scy S. M. D«mon. Audit»r-Gener«1, Gvorge J. Rn*s. Re«Utr»rof Aeecunrs, W. G. Ashl«y. *‘lerk o( Fin«nc« OAee. E. A. Mclnemy. Col!eetor-GenermI o( <’u»tom. Ja*. B. C«stle. T«x Assesaor, 0«ha, J >n«. Sh w. Deputy T«x AsMM»or. W. C. Weedon. J. Mort U«t. Cc«tok.* BckxaC. Office, Costom House. EspUnade, Fort street. C'odeetor-Gener«I, J»s. B. C«st!e. Deputy-Coi.eetor* F. B. Mes»t eker. il«rborn>aster, C«i*t »fn A. Fuli«r. Porl SnrreyoT, M. x Swnders. Storeke«per. Geopge C. »trmte*ey«r. DXPaKT1IXXT OP ATTORXXT-*iKXXCAL. OAoe in Exeeotire BulMine. *trw(. Alttwney Gener«I, W, O. 3raith Drputy At(omcy .Gener«l, G. K. Wflder. Cterk. J. M. K«a. Manha;. K. G. Hi:cheoek. CWrk tt> M-r»h*L O. M. Pow. D«puty Manhal. Arthar M. Browa. J«l!or Oaku Pti»oo, J. A. tow. Prisoo Physiel*a, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boajv> or Immi ;katiox. Pre*tlKit, Bis Eeeelleo rr J. A. Kin*. of the Bo«rvl o( liamnaaHon: (ko. J. B. Athrrtt>a. J*«- 8. C*»t>. Hoo. A. Memher o/ ihe Bo«rd < Hoa. J. B. Atber 9. Oieehom. J«ran O. KoUne-n. Seeretary. Wr*y T«ylor. M*rk r. or Bxaltw. OKie*to rroa*4»of Cotsrt Ho ] Miiilaal «a BoUdin«. bWi; 0r. D»r, Dr. Mloer, 0r. Andrr<rm. J. T. W«t»rhoa»* Jr , Joha Eoa Tbm. t. Uaiiai l O» 1 aad Aiurvt-irfii<r» Su>lth. — .W.Oteith. . W lHO. .8. BeynohU. rof iiart«*«e Serrke — L. W.C., Dr G B, Aodrvw». , Dr. H. W. * Oe. 8. K. OUr«r. or Ksccatiow. .. W rat C. K. 4.1 CW(L .O.ML