Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

— ; d£MEWT glDEwH^ AND (JpaīiitB Curbing Laid. Estimates given on all kimls of (Joi]cr8tB 1 CONCBETE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. BOT\ r LER. janl7 3ra P\iruished Cottage TO LET? . ACoMP[.E1 ELV FURNISHED COTTAGE on Liiiha St. opposite Kuakini St- five minutes walk from Trara Crt8, containing Parlor, 2 bedrooras, dining roora, pantrj-, kitohen and bathroom with patent-water* closet, etc. Said preraiscs will he Iet to a raoderat« rental. Possession given iraraediately, apply at THIS OFFICE. Jan 8—tf. Sale Apieoe of yaluable Land situated on Nuuaoa ivenue, two miles frora town, below Mr. Coit Hobron’s plaee, containing 12 acros, partly 6000 TAR0 LANO about 150 foet. on Nuuauu Avenue A small house on it, all fenced. A good investment. No reasonable figure refused. For furtber p:'rticulars, pleaae apply to this °® ce - jan 18-2wd plaliional Iron Wop^ Queex Street, Between Alakea Richard Sts. THE UNDEB8IONED are: P repared to I make all klnda o( Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings». Alao a General Eepair Shop for Steam Eugines, Bice Milla, Com Milla, Water Wheels, Wind Milla, etc. Maehinea for the a«uiing of Coffee, Castor Oda, Eeana, Bamie, 3isal, Pineapple Leavea & other Fibrons PlaaU, And Paper Stock Also Maehinea for Extracting Starch (rom the Manioe, Arrow Boot, etc. iy AU Ordere promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. WO GHAN & Co. M!6i?chaiit Tailor! King street, Thomas’ BIock, aext door to Holomna olhee. All Sults Guaranteed Fit, and IN the latest style. Ciothes fCleaned and Repaiml. oo27