Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — FAREWELL! [ARTICLE]


Miss Rose Albn s Benefit. Tiie opportanity will offer itsel( tbis eveniog to hear for the la.>»t time, the Misses Alba in the farewell concert to be given to Miss IWe AIba at the H.iwaiian Open* Honae: That the .-H:casion »i!l repay the an«lience present g>es almoet withoul >uving as the ability of the la.lies is well known froin previoos presentations. uml the pr>gr:*in ne for this p *rticular farewell conc-’rt, shows raany gems of soug. fhe Of*era House will be ligt»ted tonight w th electricity for the fii-st timFollowiug is the prograimne: THE PBOGBAXilE: Duet f>r Pian® and Violm—“Sonver a , ne -’ Hennan Pru(essor B«rgfr aiul llr. Hwloian. ♦ Cavjtina— ‘ , m,Eoll<’vr Ihe'e"... Fanner Julie AIbu. —* “Thy Seuliii«-l am I” Watson īlr. F. M. W*kefieU. Ueoit.—“E»trano”. Ari«—“Ah, fon> e’lni” (La Tr»vi,-w). enli Miss Koae Albu. Vitiier Solo—“Roudo” 15ar[>>laller Mr. F. A. Voigt. K«tive Song—“MuLlai anu ka Mu'kani” Berger Miss Kose Albu. D ue t_“Ah; Che 1« Mnrte” (M sreree frotn ni Trovatore) Ver.li The Misses Albu. 1NTKHVAL OP TKS MINITES Duet, Piano and Violin—“Variations.. on Oemian Airs" Beriot Professor Berger and Mr. Heilman. Song—“Tell Me My Heart” Sir H. E. Bishop Miss Jnlie Alba. Song —“Only iu Dreams” R. de Koven VIr. F. M. Wakefield. Song—“Reraeuil)er Me no More” Sir. W. C. F. Robinson M>ss Rose Albu. Violin Solo — “Air Viirie” Beriot Mr. H. M. He;tnian. Dnet—“Ye B.inks aral Breas" Specmlly Arranged by Macfarren (Kepeuted by Keqnest). The M;s.ses Albn. Ac«x>mpanist Prof. H. Berger