Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral -Advertisements ATAST pro.tect CūSS7AFT UKE CF 5CECOKOS-iiEEis Ot5srtffitl ?sr ALLI Owing to oor eonstantly inoreasing bosiness anJ tha great demnnJ of an appreciating eomnonnii}-, we have eonclnded to offer an opportanity to all parties haring capital. Onr LINE of SCHOONERS maj be seen gliding orer the BAR ti!led to their ntmost catTying capaeity with clear, eool and invigorating LAGER BEEE Atthe “Anchor Saloon.” To accomraodate oar Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. ‘ u, -^-xxclxox,~ Is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksbnrg Beer on drauglit ean be bad iu Honolulu. Step forward gentlemen, NOW’8 the Time. ocl4 3m NOTICE. The undersigned has received from the Eastern States, Tbe Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands. It concludes as follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cushions, [by Block, patent]; Billiard Balls, Composition »ud Ivoiv, Pool, Tips, Chalk. Pocket C istings with leathers, and friuge eomplele; Pocket nettings. fringe and Ieathers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster, green and black; New style ehalk holders; Triangles: Shake balls aml leather bott!es; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above go ds have been purchased ut reduced ratos, aud the nndersigned is now prepared to do any and »11 kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WOR\ at reasonable r.ites wlth dispatch. Also new and socond hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Honololn \\, E, 8( B^O, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT A KING STS. NEW GOODS RECEiVE0 By every Packet from the Eastern States and £urope. Fresh California Prodace by every steamer. Aii Orders faithfuily atteoded to, and Goods2deiivezed to any part of the City—Free of Charge. lsland Orders solicito<L lSatislaction guaranteed. Fe«r Oma Be* No. 149. No. 93.