Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — Conflicting Evidence. [ARTICLE]

Conflicting Evidence.

Tho Hawaiiau muddle becomes more ruuddled every day. Exi comraissioner and ex-Ministtr | Blonnt raakes serious charges i againgst ex-Minister Stevens in ! relation to the part taken by him in the revolntion at Honolulu last ! Janaary. A c c o r d i n g to Mr. , I Blonnt’s version of the matter i the revolution was the outcome : of a conapiracy between the ; leaders of the insurgent partv, i and Minister 8tevens, bv the 1 terras of whieh he was to second ; their etforts to overthrow the j established government. to the ; extent of luuding the U. S. marines and so disposing of thera as I to overawe the supporters of the ; qneen. This is denied by Mr. ' Stevens with considerable warmth and emphasis. Mr. BIount goes into tbe facts of the case in quite a volnmiuous way, and presents considerab!e evidence in support of his allegations. but the other ! . side contends that the sonrces fntiu whieh he songht his e\\dence was biased agaiost the provisional governmeut, and largely ! uutrostworthy. It is too soon to jmige witb absoiute correctness as to the points in controversy. Mr. Blount and his witnesses | may have been prejadiced in tbe raatter, but be certainly is more 1 likely to take a disinterested view : of the events connected with the estsblishmect of tbe provisional . j governilieut and the participation of Minister Stevens, th:»n is th »t gentleman himself. So f«r Mr. j ° j Steveos has presentea no evi- ' dence whatever in sopport of his statements. Tbe raatter promises a pretty lively scrimmage when congress gets bold of it. There is evidently considerable in it that has not yet eome to the sar- > face. At present the case does not present a very favorable appeannee for Mr. Stevens. There is mneh reason to believe that be , misled tbe Harrison admini»tra- i tion in reference to tbe true sitnation at Hono! iln in Janaaiy, and ; i bis own action in the premises. i. 1 *~A*hland Wia. JS«ua. 1 ;

The pahliealion of tbe synopsis < ofMr Blonnt‘s reportseems toadd ; fresh eompliealioo». The j-eople , fe!t bef.«re it wa* niade pnb ie ! that tbey knew bnl 'lihle »boot tfce real f.icts in tbe iuj«tter. *ntl now when the other publications called oct by the Blonot statement have been read tbey are moeh līke tbe pozzled jnror who swcre by the preat horn spoon he * dj«ln’t know wbose eow it was."