Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — Thurston May Be President. [ARTICLE]

Thurston May Be President.

It is said at the Hawaiian leg> tion that there exists the utmost sat:8faction over the way aff»irs j are proceeding in Washiogton, and the liveliest have been | awakeoed that pohlie opinion will bring aboot the coodition they ! have 8o long hoped for and whieh some months ago it was ; confidentlv expecied wooid have been reacbed long before this. Mr. Tbarstoo, it is said. will i not be in a horry to retora to the ; United States, bnt will eome back before the winter is over When he retorns, if all reports be trne, it is more than likely that a repoblic will have been set up in the Hawaiian Isl.»nds and that the provisional governj ment will have heeome the permanent governnaent, with a new head, and possibly a new cabinet. It is not iraprobnble that MīnisI ter Thnrston may bo selected as the new Presideut.— Wa-thinjton | Po9t.