Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — The People Wronged. [ARTICLE]

The People Wronged.

— •*It will bo tiuie enoogh to cousider annex:itiou when the Hawaiiana have bad a ehanee to say ak the polls what they thiuk of the de lacto government. They have not bad a ehanee to that, althoagh de fucto DoIe Las boen in office a year, and he bas annoooced tbat be will allow no eleeiion or other expression of po1 pnUr will for at least another year. To pennil snch a man to propoee : annexation woold be like eonaidering a proposa! from a bighI IW !■ ■! 4. k I «lO ipl •#

| of bis victim while he bel<3 hi»n j op." So s.«d Senator Ta , 'pie ; %ad thase who h*re read the | “fieety reply of 3lr. Dole to oar miaister wiil fully agree with the Iniiaai Seoator. That eoneem ; has no more existeace. in eontemplation of low. a governroent, than woa!d any colony of | pirates, that happened to have the loek to first possess tbena selves of an island coQntrv’s, * property, and then assame to be j its governors. — Ch<:Manooga Times.