Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 12 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral Advertū men t s COFSTAST UKE 0F SCHOOStRS—Aeple ftr ALL! Owing to onr constantly inoreasing bosiness n j great demand of an appreciating eommunity, we ha> con . clnded to otīer an opportnnity to all partiea having oaj|£l. Onr LINE of SCHOONERS raay be seen gliding ovet^h e 6jLR filleii to their ntmost earrying capacity with clt Tt eool and invigorating Fred lxport b “ r9 } L A5EE BEER At the “Anclior Saloon.” To accommodate oar Yust Fleet of Sohooners, we have built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of oost. Tiio Is the only plaee where a Cool Qlass of Frederioksbnrg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step forwurd geutlemen, NOWS the Time. ocl4 3m NOTICE. Tbe undersigned has received from the Eastern States Tlie Largest Single Order of Billiard Material over imported to the Islands. It.concIudes as follows: CIoth, 3 grades; Cnes, asssorted; Cushions, [by Block, pateut]; Billiard Balls, Composition and lvorv, Pool, Tips, Chalk. Pocket Castings with leathers, and fringe complete; Pocket nettings, fringe and leatbers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster, green and blaok; New style ehalk holders; Triangles: Shake balls and leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. Tbe above goods have been pnrchased at rednce<l rates, and tbe nndersigned is now prepared to do any and all kinds of BILLĪARD TABLL WORK at reason ible rates with dispatch. Also now and second haud Billiard and Pool Tables for S;»le. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Honololn H jt E. Bī\o, IMPOKTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed E.VST CORNER FORT & KINO STS. NEW GOODS RECEiVED By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh CaIiforaia Prodnce by every steamer. AU Orders faithfolly attended to, and Goods delivered to any part o£ the City—Free of Charge. Island Orvlers solicitad. SatLsfaction guaranteed. Poer Omei Box No. 145. Tzlkpho!« No. 92.