Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Eain, mad, wrath. There is no Hawaiian news. There is no news of importance frotn abroad. And still no sign of the orerdue Oeeanie. » | — ’ j A large newspaper muil will go forward to San Francisco by tha ’ next steamer. ; » Now doth the festive haekman - make his hay, f»r those who ride, : in rainy weather, mostly pay, l * j » 5 N,»tive jur rs have been excusj ed frora service in the Circuit i : ‘ Court until called on. i ! I Mr. Julian A. PalmerJr. the ‘ !l ’ ! correspondent of the Boston 5 , * * | J \ Transcrij4, has gone to vi«it tue ‘ i Volcano of Kihiuea. 1 Valentine day has eome and is * nearly gone. It does not look as ] thoogh the season was taken i : mueh opportunity of. The little god is pouty. Tho Kona eame in occasional spurts this afteruoon. If the : wind'continues in the south there may be a full-tlodged oue touight. ( The “poisouing” investigation has not yet been officially reported. The 8oldiers who were taken ill agree wlth the Holomua that it was filth in the cooking. The P. G. band gave a concert at Euima s<juare lust eveuing. Althougb there were very few present, the selectious. especially those from “Patience,’ were well played. I 1 A reception, ollieial, will be givon by the socialists of the Ceutral Uniou Church to tho tomporary pastor and his wife iu the church-parlors, tomorrow i i 1 evoning. i As ohl Spooj>eudyke would say i Mr. Hatch, while presiding at the meetiug last night, wouhl have onlv required some rope and a board to have had a ]>roper swing. Conductor Dement of the Oahu Railw«v states that tho mad-bed of the line from Honolulu to Ewa is in good condition. The pre1 cautions taken against, by previous experience in having, washouts. have proved verv successful. Company B took advantage of r the absence of Captain Hugh i Gunn to displace that popular I ) officer and elect Judge Robertson captain of the corapany. It will i be rather a surprise to Gnnu r when he returns from Maui to i find that he has “gone oft” the i official list. t There is mueh trouble amongst certuin capitalists of the city who 8 have advauced money on mortgage of lands in whieh the “party P of the socond part” has lutely ■* boen found to have only a life 9 interest. There is no symp»thy * expressed for the capita1ist a " hope ©ven being expressed that * he will be “done brown.” n Robert Grieve a well-known practical printer in town is the e successfnl bidder for tbe work of 0 printiug and binding the License hliinka of the Interior Departi» meut for ihe coming hiennial > fiscal |>eriod. The Star and Adi- vertiser oftices were competitors. tf e The uominees on the secret -t League tieket at the eleelion on 1, Monday evening were; L. C. Ables, J. L. Carter. J. C. Clun ney. C. H. Luther. J. S. Martiu, y F. W. McChesney, F. A. Smith, u aud D. B. Smith. All but Smith e (1). B.) and Luther withdrew >r l>efore the votes were cast and D. d B. Smith was electeil as the nots miuee of the Club iu tue Advisory Counoil.