Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

- The Adverti<er correspomlent \vbo critized tbe army a few days ago bas heen relieved, we understaud from further connection witb tbat great military body. Tbo gag laws of tbe P. G. are evidently not confined to tbe press or to the royalists. The Annexation Club is issu- ■ ing certificates of membersbip in a most promiscuous manner both to members and to non-members. Auytbing for a vote. The usual kicler was promi nent iu tle volcano party wbicn returnt d this morniug. Manager Lee and Purser Beckley wbistled iu a duet ‘*wait till tbe douds roH bv Pele ’ and tben tbev • «# smiled. W*orLD3i’T it be well now from Smitb of tbe Star to give the ; public tbe bistory of Smith of I the L?ague before he gets into 1 the Councils? There was a time [ when tbe reform organs used an uulimited amouut of pet names when writing about Mr. D, B. Smith, chief-electrician to His Majesty Kalakaua and a kuight 1 of the Crown of Hawaii. _ Rats implies that two govein- ; ment officials at Soutb Kona, i H twaii, are about to have a duoI. | Tbe marsbal bas gone forward to i act in a blessevl manner, &s paei- i | ficator. It is not expected that I either meu will be injured althougb newa of the result is < ' wait«d lor iu «OM. '