Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Wind stiil S. bat weather w*rm and pleasant. The Chine.se and the Conncils of the P. G. met to-d»v. The Monnwai is not expecte<l bef re Saturdav next Tbnnder and ligbtning was plentifal for a brief period last evecing. 1 ' Mirable dictu! The board of bealth did raeet on Wednesday and adjonrned. The Ocean : c will sail at raiduight for San Fraucisco. Mails close at 10 p. m. Little Della Ash in a very ci.te “b«by song" at the Oj>era Houfe next Satnrday evening. - The HoLompa was in it on the ! weatber {•rf*d otion of yesh rday. i Whar : was de proft-s.’ — Captain Griffiths of the bark Albert is thanked for a copy of the Kxaminer of Feb. lst. Laek of spac*e couij>els the hol<Jing over of the report of thk Chinese niass meeting. Tho colors on the League tlag are seeiningly not warranted to wash. No flag was flying yesterday. Two <T the emi>loyees <>f M*ssr9 Castle ard Cooke eame in eonlael and dispute last evening aud one is stalid to have shot the otI er. Althongh n«in was plentifol all day yesterday and last night there was little if any darn!ige to 1 property in town. The band did not play at Thoinns Square last evening but will, very probab!y, tonight at the ! Hotel. Hon. Sain Parker has an escollont article in the Examiner on tho situatim as it really ex ists in Hawaii. Hon. A. P. Peterson, ex-Attor-ney GeLer.«l,has been confiued to his residence by a severe attack of illness. The lease of a lot of Islands to whieh the Proviaional CoTcrntnent has little or no elaim to wae sold to-Jay by the minister of Interlor to The Irish Day at the Mid wmter Fair is set for March 17th. lt is understood that uegotiutions are beiug maile with the Ameriean League to have a delegation present. It is reported that Mr. W. H. Smith has not “skipped*’ but has gone on a regular business trip to San FranI • C13CO. The usu.«l ilenial from the P. G. side is presented by Mr. McChesney this raoroing in the Advertiser th;«t is. by the party who in polile langnage says that Mr. McC. lies. 1 The E!ectrict L!g!it Station in Nnuanu avenue was so thoroughIv inipreg:iat-d wilh the' electric tbiid dv!ripg tbe storm, h<st evea1 ing tbat a dynam > and a power i«ulicator were fust*d and raade : «8eless. Pilot Maca«iley seemed. by ro}H»rt. to have been afr «id of gettirg“his f«et wet h«st night. Fhe arrival of the Oeeauie was kindly telephone«l from the U. S. S. Adams at 11:15 but the pilot, a!though drawing a salary, was not to be diaturbed.

Miss May C iminins thed.iughter of Hon. J. A. Cotnmins ex-Min-ister of Fore : gn Aff«irs gave an entertiinuaent and iuaa on \Vednesday ev* n ng. at the fatnily reeidene a , lo a numher of friends who had aee'ompanieii her n • trin to the VolcaiH'. Mr. Kunst as visiting etranger, was tbe {rincipal gueat.