Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Pele's House. [ARTICLE]

Pele's House.

The Star* Hilo corresponden{ is not rery saccessful. On tbe same day in whieh he vi!l:fies manager Lee of the Volcano Hoose the B>.dletīn pnblisbes a testimony of tbanks to the genial CapUin from the Iast volcano i party, and the H LO»rx »nd J i<:*riiatr both express the appreciation cf good treato:ent at the re<iuest of Mr. Plunkett who manages the afiairs of the Misses , Albu. Tbe ex-detective in Uilo who has sent in innumemhle appiications to the directors of the Vo’cauo House Company for the p~sition as manager writes to the Star as follows: Unless tbere is a char.ge in the manageraent of the Volcano , House there are paities who w:ll ‘ erect a house there, w there wlll be no liquor sold (except f>r T medicine), and where island peo- i I ple and others will be treat< d properly. If there is a change m the management there is a party who will take $2000 worth of stock at onee, I am told. The spite aud idiocy of the *- Star correspoudent are easil\ shown bv mention;ng tbe fact that the only coraplaint of the Iast party was that no liquor < could be bad, and another fact j that no laud ean be fouud near the volcano on whieh to build hotels. The ambitious men of Hilo bad better keep their j shirts on.