Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I3usiness Cards W. MACFABLARE & 00.. Impcrter3 ana Conunissioii ]^erchants, Honolnln. - Hawaiian Is1ands THOMAS LINDSAY. Mannfacturing‘ Jeueīer and Waichmaker, Mclnerny Block, 403 Fort St., Honolnlo. HAREISON BROS., COXTRACTORS AXD BL'ILDERS, 208 Fort St., Honolnlu. MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHA\V, Propriētor, CH01CE LIQ UORS and EINE BEER . Corner of King and Kuuanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT 6usiness of a Fiduciary Xntnre Trsnsaeted. Prompt attention piven to the manapement of Eotates, Gaardianships, Trnsts, etc., etc., etc. Offioes, : Carhvright Building, Merchanl Street. Honolnlu. “FAT BOY." BAY HŪRSE 1S$ 8AL0ŪN ! P. McIXERNY, F KOPRIETOR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corxer Bethel axd Hotel Sts. PACIF1C 8AL00N, Corner Kinp and Nnnanu Streete. EDW. WOLTtR....Manager. The Finest se!ecnon of LIQUOBS and BEER, so!d anywhere in the town. First-class attendence. Call and jadge for youiself. no S0-tf. Empire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Propkietobu Fine Wine& LiqnoF& EeeP, ALWAI3 OS HAXD. Comer Nunann and Hotel StreeU Bell īelephone 3S1. Post OfBoe Box 32. W.W. WRIGHT&SON Carriase $Wam 6a3deis o o II All Its Beaxches. Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTT. 79 and 80 Ki!ig St, Honoluln