Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, Rig£?er, Stev©dore axd \V i'eekei*. ESTIMATE» AXD CoNTRACTS OX ALL KIXT>S OF WORK. Tbe Schooon©r MAHIMAHI, ■will ran ivgnlarir b#twe«n this jx>rt an>l WaUlua. Kawaihapni, Muknleīa, Kenvenai snd Kmki on the island of Oahn For Freigiit, etc , app!y fo the Captain. Best of Heferences—Tnquire at Office of J. 8. Wjilker. ov?r Spreckels Hank. or Writ,'ht Bros. Fort Street. dec I6-tf LEWIS & C0.~ Wholesale and Retaīi Grocers AX*D rHOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 5ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8an Franoisco Ste,nner. Salt Salmox IX Barrels a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. P. O. Dox 2gj. GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES: J. & P. Coats' Moehine Tkread Jonas Brooks' Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Liueo Thread Pears' Soap P. O. Box 35S. Mntnal Telephone 356 13 Kaahnoiann Street. ilaiāonal hon Ql*£EX Sti;eet, ,3etween Alakea «fc Hiehan.1 Sts. THE UXr>ERSIOXED «re prepared to make pll ktnds of Iron Brass, Broare, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castinp». A!so a General Repair Shop for Steam Engine«, Hiee Miiia, Corn MiUs. Water WheeU, Wind Mills, atc. Maehinee tor the Cleaning ot Coffee. Castor Oiia, Beans, K.inie, Sis«l, Pineapple Leavea 4 other Fibrons Ptants, And Paper Stock Also Maehinea for Extrvcting SUrch hom the Manioe, Aitow Bout, etc. VtT AH Order» prompliy att«oded to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. dEMENT glDEwJ\Ll$ axd lqpai}ite dui , l)ing Laid. £stimates given on a’l kinds of $tane, Coqcfrt8 Wor^ C0XCKBTE A SpECIALTT. JNO. F. EOWLEH. jan!7 3m