Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Milk and Water. [ARTICLE]

Milk and Water.

The oonimittee appointed by the Cbimse maes-meeting last night called on President Dole at noon today. The Preeident receiTed the Ohineee ee illemen wiih his usual euavily, list«ned to the reso!utione pss>ed by tbe mceting and theu Iaunched int> ihe moet extreme

*S3nrar.c«,tbat the reso!ci'o«i3 ard tbe Chinese in pener*I woa!d hreceive lbe hig?e‘. consideralioQ and m««§t p*rfect ctteDtton of Hi» Exo?llencv biai3elf anl his wise cMtnciilorj.—Ihe Ie;iding Chine?e were inf nna!l v asaurec by ancther member of ihe cabinet u -dar tlut there never ha? been ar.y §erioas idea f pa?sing the restriction act agiinst the Cbineae in the C-incil and that the 3upg**stions in that regard had alwjvs emanated fr ; a» a desire to ‘ rub the brtck of the Araerican L“ague.'’ The doubie , g-ime now played will probab'v * soon be played out. We Ieave if i to the League to gre.»3e the hirges of lbe clap-trap.