Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

It is generally nnderstcrj that Soreno E. Bi»bop who stvles himself a ‘ reverend” well be calltd to account for some of tue vile fonl-raoothed slanders with whieh he filleJ the ears of Hon. Jos. H. Bloant, nntil he finally was kicked out of his presence. It is a pity that there are certain inborn prineiples among gontleraeu i f the Anglo—Saxon race : whieh prevent thera from using the argu meiUum a.d homionem to an o!d grey haired man, ifit w«sn’t so we would noi take anv guar anlee against the possibiIity that the vile ola tr ssiper w *u!d have hie ins;de kiekeil int-)such a decent ai)j»earance as his outside cannot present. As it is the community iuust be s itisfied by seeing his pockets bletding. W E print a very interesting art:cle whieh npueaml in the Au.itralasia and whieh gives lots of mformation in regtrd to the ' cultivation of a certain valuable fibre plant. Auybody interested . in the diversified industries of j Hawaii will read the article with pleasure.