Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral Advertisements. A VAST TBOJECT. COHSTiHĪ LIHE 0F SGHOO*ERS—Ample Otporitii!i ftr ilL Owring to Oor CoD8taotlj Incre«8ing Basiness «cd tbe Grc»t Dem£Dd tf «o Ap|-reciatiDg Coajmonitr, we h«ve conclūded to offer ao opportur.itv to all parties haviDg capitai.— OUR LINE 0F SCHOOJ»'ERS mfcj be seen gliding over tbe Bar, filled to the;r Dtmoet cam’ing c«pacitj, with CLEAK, COOI- A5D LīiVIGORATLN'G F , .d.,lck.b„ ,, j LA(}E j l Bm Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” To «ccoramodbte Oor Vest F!eet of Schooners, we have buiit a Fiue, Large Retrigerator, Iiegardlesa of C< st. Th.e “iineh.oi,’’ Is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be bad in Honoluln. Step forwurd Gentlemen. now is the time. NOTICE ! The Unders gned ha? Received frora the EasterD States ' rh<' Lareest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evor Imported to the Islands. It Concludes as Follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, assorted; Cushions, by Blook, pateut; Billiard Balls, composition and ivorv; Pool Balls, do., do. Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castings, with leathor and fringe, eomplele; Pocket Nettings, fringe and leather; Kubber Covers, Court Plaster, green and hlaek; Now Style Chalk Holders, Trianglos, Shako Balls and Leather Bottles, Pool Pios, Markers, ete., etc. The above Gootls have been Purchased at Rednced K»tvs. and the uudersigoed is dow preparedto do any and all kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new and second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please Apply to J. P. BOWEN, Pem Block. HoteI St., Honolulu 4, E t Mc!njy^e IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Gri*oceries, I?rovisioiis AXP Feed, EAST CORNER FORTA KING STS. New Goods Rec’d By every Paokei from tfae Easiern Statee and Europe. Freeh California Produco by erery steamer. All orders faithfolly attended to, and Gooda delivered to any part of the citj’ FRKE OF CH ARGE. taUnd Onlem Solioited. Satisfaction Ooarante*d. Poat Oftoe Bos No. 146 1 Telephone Ko. W.