Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — A Proved Record. [ARTICLE]

A Proved Record.

Ia ihe e »rr«epoivdc ee be: x« d Mr. Williā. Uoīted Stat s R-j.r*-•»e..titive in Hono’ulu, Alirra’ S»errett, and the D-'pUtaent of St..te in W.i«hingb>n. some of the caus-s i f Admiral Skerr**u’s re:«oval frora the corom*nd oo thc Haw dian stat:an to that on the As:atic, arf iqd'cat-d. Oo Miy "1 the A iu;ral wrote; —“As I stated. 1 am of the opinioo t'; U the Proviāional Government is rol:dly and firmlr estab!is..ed. and that thev are bringing quiet ar.d c«xi»tentment to the is!anders.’’ On June '2''. be wr te: —I rm;st inf>nn the that the sUbility and «>lidity of the Pr>vi«ional Governmenl i« nol considered to be a’.i th.it had impr.ssed nie «> fivo'T;’.b r v. It would appear that the irou heel ofmi!ilarv law is rea!iy wh it serve« to keep ihe Provisional G >vern raent in aatnJ*r:ty. Oue of the Government officials «aid l > Miai.«-t-r BIount that he consid-red the e»i dition of hff,iirs here as bad as it have ever had heen.” A nionlh later the AJm ral wr.>te:—‘Sarely, the G>>vernmcnt they now give the people is the best they have ever had. I be!:eve in the:r eventual sncces«, an 1 have imi>!ic:t faith n it.” Uu*ler the date of Sept. 17. 1S;>3. Secretary Herbert notified Ad ninl Sierrett thit he had m sCJtistrued instructionā, und d:r>’cts him to aff>rd to British subj cts aud uroperty sueh protection as has alwavs been acconled bv vesseis of Amenean fleets to tlie subjects of Her Bntannic Majesty, and the property uuder like circurastances iu the absence of British vessels. The uext telegram, under date of Oct. 9, marked “confidontiai,” di-

rects Admiral Skerret to transfer his flag to tlie Boston at San Francisco and proceed there with his personal staff bv flrst mail steamer. ‘It is the intention, he says, ‘‘of the departraeut to transfer yon to the eommaml of the Asi itic station.” A similar telegram of the next day diiects Admiral lrwin to proceed to Hono Inln. The instructions to Admiral Iiwin do not appear in tlie bud get. Tho onI\ T iuference to tLern is t’ne followiug paragraph in a iotter from Admiral Irwin to the Depnrtment, dated Honolaln, Nov. 14:—“I bave carefnlly studied the instructi«>ns of tlie Department; they are perfectly clear to me, and will becarried| out to the best of rny ubility.” —Japan Mail.