Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A r! vea*t is*emen ts J. KEMPNEH. Pashionabh Tai GEHLHrarS SUHS uA CLQT MADE TO j | Good Varirty of Fine Ci in Stock. Cleaning and Kepaini Xeat’y D>>ne. Tenns Reasc-n2ble. Give me a 107 KING STREET. Oppcs«te ' Ar '‘ il n l Hoa 1 * ( HoteI, « fel L. H. DE1 JOBBEK 0F Wines, Spirits, & Bee HOTEL ST., betwoon Fort Uetbel streets. Holiday Presen- — TLe jQ(lersigned beg leai [ eall tbe «ttention to n large ! sortment of tasteful autl ele Jeweliy, suitable for Cbris Presents. Hawaiian ITlair JPi ia clirferent sizes. Hawaiian •Tewel a specialty. If you want to buy an elej anei »t tbe same lime an inex] sive Cbri.stmas Present, «round «nd inspect my stock. TU0S. L1>DSA' Mclwirnj Bloek, Fort St.Hon« Ueel a Sans Sūuc H0TEL,| WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU