Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


(We ilo not hold onrselres responsible for tbē opiuions or ihe uttenuioes of our oorrespondents.] Editor Holo3Tta: P!ease allow me sp.ice to remind the commanity of the facts whieh were state<l in a letter appearing in the Adverti*r, a short while ago from a private in eompanv F. aml to confirm the truth of all the stitements m«de in tbat lettor. It is emphatically trne tbat the soldiers of Co. F in many respects are treated as they would not dare to treat convicts in the Uuited Stites. • Not on!y are we comjHjlled to sleep on th damp floor with one ihin hlanke but many other bardsbips are meted out to us i y tbe hands ol officers who are heartless, ineom peteut and disqualified to preside over men in general. I do not look upon the i rovision« so!dier as a regnlar so!dier. ] bold that we are alike, £ghting for the same course and we suonld all be placed on an eqna)ih*. W e are all pledged to aoppoH this govornment, to ihe bitter end wbenover it sboo)d be reqnired of us, but we di nol go inko thia io b« atarrad and ,

! I honnde<3 abont bv a few enea • * i>0£6 lr.ck ōf piwf n SU~,r, i .» -n 5 eonuEoe ls ni f jr«; t v. eonāpienoaa. Speaking in reg«rd to the j qaantitr of ration« senred to tlie ī 8oldiers. I am prepnre<i to prove j tbat we are not senred up to the government allowanee. and this f;*ult is 3Īrop!y dae to a govern- j roent commi3sariat oSeer ■ of Portngnese uationaIity al. t ough not a Portnguese at heait. 1 ( aptain Jobn Cbxni gave our dinner “menn” to the press on the nigbt of the alleged poisoning,! heading£the “menu witb proached eggs. by he did it is merely ! la speoulation—we don’t get i proached eggs, aad we don’t expect to get them. Whal we want is substantiil food and pleiity of it. If the government cannot feed its so!diers then it; should disband them and let us go. The great kiek they are \ m.>king against the Chinese amoug the varions leagnes and I snpporters of the government is rather inconsistent when we fiud only Chinese employed in oar barracfes. Why nre tbev hired in preference to good 'wbite men of raany who are out of work and wouhl make able cooks? Simply i becauso they are cheaper, and because the comfort and welfare of the soldiers are of no importanee in the rainds of our would ! be great rulers. Veiy Res|iectfnlly, Dcraxce Vile. | Execctive Bcildixg. Febrnary 21st, 1894. Editor Holomca; Tou seem to know everything. C in yon inform a number of true blue annexationists who ’‘waut to know’’ if it is true th.it a cer- | tain bigh officer in a oeiiain very j conspicuous political organiza- [ tion was enriched by 10 shares in a certaiu uewspaper eompan}' for rendering certain poliiieal services to the editor of said newspaper? Tbe “rolitical boss” referred to is the great antiCbiuese spouter who theoretical ly is dead against Chinese, but practicaliy (and for pay) has shnwn hiniself ready to nllow as many of the heatliens as could pay him a fee slip throngh the gates of a certain ilonolula wharf. : By furnishing ns with the requested informatiou you will i oblige yours, Pkitzexbcrg Leagce. i e agree with our correspon- ! j dent that we alwaysknow “everv thing.” But in tbis instance we believe—if he rea'ly desir9s iuforniation, he should make bis enqniries at the office of onr : esteemed contemporary near the i eorner of Merchant and Fort ; I streets. Although we know < | everything we don’t give it awiy ; j on all occasions. Ed. H.]