Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Saorr! V.v.vs, shoot’. Catch thera in the sUed iiext * Sooday and f-how how [>eaceable | and respect* ble a citizen yoo are! Mk. Vitas is foll of dire j tLr«*ats. Hj now tells Mr. Oonsalves tbat he will show the wor’d at large who i.s the leading Portngoese and Le is going to c;.rn>' the neit meeting in a most j remarkable manner—Mr. Vivas wbo never saw Portngal sbouhl k«M?p his shirt on—if be has J on< and he should realize that 1 1: a is not the boss of the co<lfLsh- | co!ony even if be occasionaly j tries to play /><*» ./ »ni in Pala- j n.H —and get-s locked up. Mr. 1 Vivus is abo it played out. Long livo GonsaIv.‘». The preso»t ]>astor of the Centrul Lnion Cburch ills in lino witb tlu calls for “aid ’ of the Y. MC. A. Library. Well desposed reclly churitablo peoplo i must feel noa p!ussed nt present. i Fok the sake of the good reputation of the Queen’sHospit- I al—mii establisbinent wbicb only lutoly has gained tbe confidence j of the Hawaiians- a full and thorough 6xphination shonld be made in regard t«j the killiug of Kauhane and the vvounding of Kaouli. It looks to the puhlie ! as if tho death of K.uihaue was ! due uot to tiie assuulting criminal i so mneh, aa to neglect of the attdiidauts of tho Hospital. We do not propose to listen to the i rumors circulated by layraen, bnt we believe that it wonld be proper for tbe “doctor” — eveu if 1 he does rnu the American Leugtie togive a bett >r “caase of deatb” tban that furnisbed ofllcially bv Dr. Woo«l aud Dr. Cooper. Polit- | ics apart wo believe tbat tue two iloctors are entiled to tbe most severe criticism by tbe profession and by tbe public. Lim.E Cbnrles Carter who at one time eujoyed one or two years schooling at a certaiu law school iu America criticised Jo lgoCool<y very severely and state 1 th it :lie poor old man — who by the way had been Mr. Carter’s leetjrer, was iu his dotnge. The result of Mr. Cart er s severe retlections were cml*odied in siuiles, and everybody had a good grin over the i coueeit of t!iat over-grown i school boy who, according to . hituself oonverted Hoke Sroith. j Mr. Carter s forgotten, he has dropped iut > tbat obscurity i po1il i e a 11 y , lega 11 y , socitillv and commerciallv —from * • wliieli bo n*-vor will ari#e aud we bave done >vith him. But this m«*rn:ng Mr, Heury Caslle :n ot!ier “rau: Jiroom lawyer and oditor o? the .4 /een'L- r comes forward nnl critioises— yes severely cen8nros- James Schouler. Wj neod not repeat what we rdways have said abemt Sohouler. Ho is a mao of suoh talent, importauc9 aud standiug iu the l uite<l Stat.>s to-day, that an\' refleetious on him from the pen of Honry Castle will fall more thau fl it. Wo o»nly ask Mr Castle to give us s>)ino “sj*eoifications” in regard to tiie i.lloged «rrors of Sohouier. Bat be doesn’t dare do it.