Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


San Fr;-.ncisco. Feb. 5.—Tbe fo!lowing cards are being represented for signature to Sundayaehool scholars over fonrteen years of age andaduits interested in the m v**ment: “The Midwiater Fair Card. As members a::d friends of the First Cnngregatiocal Sand.iy- i school of San Francisco we promise that durir.g the continuance of tfae Midwinter Fair— First—We will invite all the visitors we eaa to our church, our Snnday s«,liool and oarChristian Endeavor meetings. Stcund—We will be in Sund iyschool ev* ry Sund iy, uuless anavoidably prevented. Tliird—We will do all we ean to make cur Snnday school ser- . vices attractive, a credit to ourse!ves ami a joy and inspirution J lo onr visitors. Fuurth—We will use all our inAuenee against attending tbe Fair ou Sunday. San Fiancisco, Feb. 5. —The Mercantilo Library Associatiun ! is tnakiug an efiort to secure exPresident Uarrison’s consent to deliver a lecture under the auspices of the library upon his arrival in San Fraucisco. San Fraccisco Feb. 5.—A Whistling buoy is adrift. TLe waif is a hlaek and white striped first cl iss “bull” whistler, and is supposed to be fiom the mouth of t!ie Colnmbia river Captain Wallaee e i tho Walla Wall i, who makes t! e l.*test report on it. locates it in 47:47 north l*24:4o west. New York, Feb. 6 —The stumps of ex-Pensioa Commissioner James Tanner’s iegs have again been shorteued two and one-half iaches. 8eatt!e Feb. 5. A jury iu tbe Superior Court to-uiglit returned a verdict iu favor of Jane de Peatt a Sitka, Alaska, girl, for 81,500 daraages for breach of promiso against David C. Carpenter, a paymaster’s clerk in the nuvy, who was doiug duty at Sitka a y »ar ago. Miss de Peatt exbibitei] 200 lovo letters. Sbelbyville (Iud), Feb. 5. An afternoon newspaper today said: lt bas been learued tbat exF'residem Bonjamiu Harrisbnand Mrs. SLinford, thc widow of the late Lelaiul Stanford, will shortly be raarried at Palo Alto. The ex Presideut is uow preparii g to leavc Inēianapol s for the Stanfurd Univorsity to deiiver a series of lectures, aud while thero will be mirried to Mrs. Stanford. Indianapolis, Feb. 5. Ex President Harrison to-night denied tlie truth of the rumor tbat he was to be married to Mrs. Leland Stanford eitlor in the uear or distant fature. Spokme (Wash.), Feb. 6. Mayor E L Pieknell of Palouse ' City died soddenly at his home last eveu ng He was a lawyer, thirty-fiv.) years of age and a native of Missouri. New York, Feb. 5. —It was loarued aboard the steamship Veneznela, whieh »rrived this morniug from Ceutral American ix>iuts, tl at tbe Looisiana Lotterv Company is abont to change its headquaiters to Caracas. Los Angeles, Feb. 6.—The ar rival of the Sunday Exovihxer containitg Corbett‘s «cceptauce of the Catalina Ath1etic Club’s ofler for bis mateh with Peter Jackson created excitement anu*ng tbe loeal s{*orts. Sau Francisoo, Fel*. 6. — Piekpockets are becoming namerous and bo!3. Tbey do not iuvade tbo crow«ls at toe Midwiuter Fair in even- case. but certaiu ofthem baunt tbe principal botels. They are suave aud well dressed aud mingle with the guests in the lobby without esciting snspicioa. San Francisco Feb. 6-Tbe brig Oalilee, from Tabiti, briugs news that Count Festetics and the trad iug yacht Tolna are not Iost in the wi!ds of the Pacific. Captain, \ the Countess Festetics, gave tbe order to drop anchor ofl tbe city of Papeete at 10 a. m. on Jan. 12th. whieh was such a short time before tbe Oalilee sailed Uiat no ! particulars of tbe cruise of the venturesome voyagers were *obUinahle.