Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


k * Baenos Ayres. Feb. 16. A»lvices froin Eio say tbat Adoiiral da Garaa’s sai! >rs have ca[»taned the stores. gmis and ainmnnilion at FortArraacao. CapeTown.Feb. 16. Tbe death of King Lobengula is coufirmed. All tbe late Lobengula's regiments, exceot the Iniato Regiraent, whieh is gnarding t!ie ; King’s grave, are snrrendering. Wushington, Feb. 16. Mr. Peekhaiu will not he Associate Jnstice of tiie Uuited States 1 ! Suprome Conrt he was rejected ( bv the Senate tliis afternoon, - after a two days' contest in exej cutive session, by a vote of 41 to . 32. William B. Hornblower said; I ara verv sorrv the Senate i - j has refnsed to cnnfirra Peckhnra's noraination. Of co«rse, under the circnrastances, it is proper tīiat 1 sbonld say very little on the subject. I am only sorry i Peekham was not confinued. 1 sav this because I tliink Peekham woukl have been a good man for 1 the oiliee and would havefilledit i with credit and dignity. Queeustown, Feb. 16.—Tho Araerican liner Paris eame into this port today and cnchored, having been disible<l in the storra on last Tuosdiiv bv the loss of her rndder.