Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Busir ese, real bas : ne=s. where is it? Weatber to-ilay is ]ileasant but tbe sky is beivily overcast The <i* g-catchers ;-re slill eombi»ting b ;siness wilh p!eas ;re. D- nt forget the KawaiaLao Semin;iry concert, Marcb 3rd. W. X. A. 'ailed for Kaaai yesterdf»y on the ~teamer J.itnes MAee. Tbe Tī ''<■ reports collection of >113 50 for tbe Eaahane —Kaonli fund. Jobn Betk, a carj>enter who nsed to live iu RjbelIo laue, is wautcd. The evouing Holomua is deliv en d at residence> for 50 cents per month. Tho new postage stamps are expect>d to be distributed to the g> neral public tomorrjw. Auother electric light, or two, in the avenues on eaeh side of Emma Sqnare would do no harm. Judge Cooper bas allowed $100 fees to attorney of libilles in the McGrew vs McGrev, divorcecase. Tho XIisses R>>se and Julie Albu aro bocked for tbe Coast bv tbe «teamer Australia on Saturday next. Mr. T. H. Davies and son are booked for departnre to the Coast bv tbe steaiuer Anstralia on the 3rd prox Mr. Joseph Nawahi left this afternoon by the Kinau for Lahaiua where he is to atte<id a waterright case. C. 11. Bishop tho loeal banker is bound away again for Sm Francisco hy the outgoing Australia on Satunlay uext. The pine-apple ranches at Pearl Cit\ aro reported to be iu cxcellent condition and the fruit grown is large and juicy. Tlie electrical llni<l brilliantly oud continnonsIy displayed its preseuce in the northern horizou from U to 11:30 p. ra. eveniug. Baseballists are getting tiieraselves in form again preparatoiy to a wrestle for championsliip honors ou the green diaraoud. Princess Kainlani reached her legul majority age ou tbe lGth of last Oetober aud a final acconnt h»s now been filed by the guardian. Alr. W M G.ffard of W. G. Irwin A Co. s h s a large nnmber of j>ostage stamps of varioos n tions wliieh he wouhl exchange with other philatelists. The unmber < f special }>oliee spies have again been increased. S<>me of tlie uew ad<iitions are old residents intended undoubted!y to Kniale i't»I meu. The Sf.tr has gotteu up anotber real fake iu tbe story of ‘Keil” men arriviug from Cana<1a to beeome soldiers of theQneen. The Anstralia leaves on S,»tnrday. I he s<>eial an>l political Sohuetzea cl4lb membei> will meet at their hall this evening. Twenty applioations for membership will be presented and several will be initiatoil. Tbe CartwVīght divorce case is beiug heard t\Hlay before J udge Cooper. An attempt on the part of Uie libelbnt to have the case tried with dose<l doors v was Uefeated by the attorney for liliellee. Mr. Kinney appears for libe!Iaut aud Mr. 0- W. Asbford for li'n-l ee. The case will pr>vbal>L bst f«>r several dava, aud | * ' b«(or» crowde<d huuaoa.

Mr. Ch.irle« Wīlliams the taxcollector for Hamakm ac-i '!r. John Mctgtiire of KohuU both pronainent Hawaii;*ns Ie:t for their home» bv the Kinaa lodsv.

The P. G. Band gave the osnal Monday evening concert at Emm t ; Sqoare last evening. There were but few people preseut bnt £.>r all that sereral of the piee». 5 : played were applaudei.l. Pnrsers McCombe a»;d Satton are ven* obliging aud thonghtful . m obtain ug fi!es of newspapers ! for loeal papers. Pnrser Mc Coiiibe of the Australia is t!iunked for a lale donation. A !elter has b?en rece vcd whieh |e. nuin- tri— iuf «nii.ili >.i tiiat Mr. Tbomas Ed s“ii the i: •teJ inventor wiil v- t H>i- * 1 1 wilh a Riyi ir ond Whileooih p rty in Marcb. Prubjbly by the Alameila. The nnmber of llie HoLOMUA t* lephone is “Mntnal *2G1.“ Yoa

oau or<Kr yoar name on the subscription list by telephone and the paper will be left at your resideuce; 50 eents a raonth.

Syndicates whieh seem able to get the j)roper “tip are now eng tge<l in boying nj) denominations of stamps wliieh have bnt few sheets left. Some one in the Po.st Office m ist fnrnish information. Dr. N. K. Foote of Lockfbrd, S»n Jroquin Co., who has been in Honoluln for aome time j»ast on a visit to his son Dr. Gilbert N. Foote, will leave, accoropanied with his son, on the uext Australia. Tlie advertised Marshal’s sale of the Wai :iki residence of Mrs. Theresa Cartwright whieh was to eome otf tod y a; n<)<>n was d*scontinued. The jndgment nndt-r whieh the sale was to take jilace will be s<itisfit;d. Frank Ferreira who has obtaine<l some uotoriety on account of his many rough and tnmble, and assault cases pleuded gnilty to one case yesterday in the circuit conrt aml was given Hbcrtv on the paymont of a §5 fine.

The hard tiiues seem t > have reached tīie lawyers, a “no trust" uotice appearing on the d»or of C!erk Smith’s offiee to the effect that, “attorneys mnst settle their accounts prior to the eiul of the government fiscal j)eriod.’'

The corapliinentarv testimonial to the genial mannger of the Alhn sisters, r. M. L. M. Plun-k<-tt. will tako j)lace at the Oj>era House tomorrow evening and the o<‘casion will be one lung t<) be romeuibered by th<)se preseut.

Manuger Lee of the Volcano House will have <i nuraber of visitors to bis boste!ry bv tlie Kiuau today. Madame Pele iexpected to coutnbute to the interest <*f the comj>any o£ tonrists by au extra display of hcr pyrotec’unics.

Mrs. W. C. Parke h»s pnrchased the elegaut resideuce on Beretanīa street belenging to Col. C. P. iankea, lately of Her Majesty staff. and at j>resent occnj)ied by Judge Davidson. It is reported that the j>urcbase j)rice is 1 .(HK).

R. R. Foss a fnrraer school superinteodent of Flnmas Co , California. has be<-n arresterl on a requisition from the Goveraor of Caiifornia a;>d oU a charge of e;ubez/.!emeut of scbool fnnds.

Foss v- as located at Kilauea. Kauai, where he was t*»ching school. lle will l)e sent forward by the A istnl s in obarge of hu United States officer.