Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


B i?ire*e, real bas ne*s, whero is W*eatber to-<lav is pleasant but tbe >ky is heavilv overcast The d- g-catchers . s re sliil eonib:uing b ;ainess with r*leas :re. Don t forget the K.iwaiaLao 8eminary eoneeii, March 3rd. \V. N. A ' tiled f.*r Kauai yesterday on the steamer James M «kee. Tite ' Ti' >• rei'orts col!ection cf >T 13 ōO for the Kuahane—Kaonli fund. Juhn Beek, a carpenter who used to live iu Robel!o laue, is wanteJ. Tiie eveuing Holomua is ile!iv en il at residences for 50 cents per raonth. Tho new postage stamps are exj Oct-d be distnbuted to tbe g- nenil public tomorrow. Another electric light, or two, in the avanues on eaeh side of Emma Square would do no !uirra. Judge Cooper has allowed ?100 fees to attorney of libilles in the McGrew vsMcGre» divorcecase. The Misses E >se and Julie Albu are l>ooked for the C’oast by the ateamer Australia ou Saturday next. Mr. T. 11. Davies and son are booked for d. |»artnre to the Coast by the steamer Austruli i on the 3rd prox Mr. Joseph N’awahi this afternoou by the Kinau for Lahaina where he is to attend a waterright case. C. R. Bisbop Iho loeal banker is bouud away again for Sm Francisco by the outgoing Anstralia on Saturday uext. The pine-apple ranches at Pearl Citv are reported to be in cxcellent condition and tlie fruit grown is large and juicy.

The electrical fluid briIliHntly onel coidinuously disj>layed its presence in the northern horizou frora (5 to 11 :H0 j>. m. eveuiug. l>aseballists are getting themselves in form ;>gain j>rep;tratoiy to a wrcstle for ch;inipiouship honors ou the green diamoud. Princess Kainlaiii reached her iegal majority age on the 16th of last October and a final neeonul has now becn filed by the guardiau. Mr W. M. G tfard of W. G. In\in ct Co.'s h .s a large uumber of postage staraj s of varions n tions whieh he would exchange with other philatelists. The nnmber of special jiolice spic s havc ag;un been increased. Some of the u«*w ad>iitions are old rcsidents intended nndonbted)y to loeaie renl meu. Tbe Sf-rr has gotten up another rc »l fake iu the story of ‘Eeōl” raen arr ving from Cana«la to beeoiue so)diers of the Queen. The Anstralia Ieavos on S.iturday. The social and political Sehuetzea cl#b uiemben> will meet at their hall this evening. Twenh‘ appiicaiions for merabership will bc j>reseuted and several wiil be initiatcd. The CartwEght divorce case is beiug heard tcslay bvfore Judge Cooper. An attempt on the part of the libellant to have the case tried with dosed doors ,was tlefeated by the «ttorney for libelleo. Mr. Kinney appears for libe!laut aud Mr. C. W. Asbford for li'*cl oe. The c,ise will pr«>babi. i»st fc>r sevcr»l days. aud * W(or« crowdcni houaoe.

Mr. Cbar!e« the Ui- ’ co!lector for Hamakai and Mr. Jobn Maguire < { KohaU bo 1b prominent H.»waiians lert for lheir homes by the Kman t-xl'»v.

The P. G. Band gave the osaal Monday evening concert at Emm i S<|aare l ist evening. There were bat few people preseut bot f>>r all that sever-»l of the pieces pUyed were applauded. Porsers McComl>e and Satton are very obiiging »ud thongbtfai I ju obtain ug 6ies of new»papers ! for loeal papers. Parser Mc Coa.be of the Au>trali.» is t!ianked for a iate dunation. A iett-r has b -fii rece vcd whieh c>>ntuin> tne inf r :.Jli>>u t;>at Mr, Th.>mi< E>1 > ii l.he n»ted inventor will v!> t H .hiiii wuh a R <yj ir.ond \Vfaitcomb p rtv in March. i 1 Probublv bv tbe Alameda.

The nnmber cf the HoLOMUA telephone is “Matnal 261. You eau order vour name on the subscription list bv telephone and the paper will be left at your resideuce; 50 cents a raonth. Svndicates whieh seem ahle to got tbe proper “tij> ’ are now eng iged in baving ni> denoniinations of strttnj>s whieh liave but few slieets left. Some ooe in the Post '>fiice m ist f«rnish inforniation. Dr. N. K. Foote of Lockford, 8m Jroquin Co., who has been in Honolulu for some time past on u visit to his son Dr. Gilbert N. Foote, will leave, accompanied with his son, ou the uext Australia. Tlie advertised Marshal’s sale of the Waikiki residence of Mrs. Theresi C»rtwright whieh was to c>iine otf tod y at noon was d scontinuod. The jndgroent nnder whieh tlie sale was to t;ike j>lace wiil be s<>tisfi< d. Frank Ferreira wlio has obtained some notoriety on aeeonni of his manv rough and tumble, and assault cases pleaded gnilty to oue case yesterday iu the circuit court and was given libcrty on the j»aymont of a v?5 fine. Tlie hard times seesn t» have reached tīie lawyers, a “no trust” notice appearing on the door of C!erk Sniith‘s office to the effect that, “attorneys nmst settle their acconnts ptior to the end of the government fiscal j>eriod.’’ The comj>limentarv testimonial to the geuiul manager of the Albu sisters, >īr. M. L. ?J. Pluu-ki-tt, will tako plaee at the Opera House tornorrow evening and tlie occasion will be one Iong t»> be r<Moeiubered by th<>se present. Manager Leo of the Vo!cano Honse will have ;» umuber of visitors to his hostelry by the Kin.iu toda\’. M;id;»nie Pele i> expectcd to coutnbate to the interest <>f the company of tonrists bv an » xtra display of her pyrotechuics. Mrs. W. C. Parke h. s purchnsed the elegant residence on Beretnnia street belenging to Col. C. P. lankea, lately of Her Majesty staff. and at }>reseut occnpied bv Jiiilge Dav;dson. It is rejK>rted that the j>arehase price is $11,000.

R. R. Foss a former school superinteodent of Plom:is Co . , . Califoruia. lias been arrested on a reqoisition froiu tlie Goveraor . : of Caiifornia a; «.1 on a cbarge of , e.a)>ezzieiueut of school fumis. Foss «as Iocated at Kiliuea. Kauai, nliere he haehinp sobool. He will )>e sent forward by the Austraba in ch:irge of au 1 l’ nited States officer.