Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Another Reverend (?) [ARTICLE]

Another Reverend (?)

It was of cocri»e io be expected that any cierg>*man wbo eoaU be adoiitted to Mr. Dioaot’H preseuce wouM belittle tho Hawaiians aud a!l the foreigners vrho befriend the Havaimn.s. We have in a former issue dealt with tbe so-«allod ‘*reverend S. E. l>ishop and we w ill today quote a few of the stateaieuts made by another so cailed “rererend” the iumager f the North Pacifio P.«>torul Incnbator I>r. (?) C. M. Hvde. We will reni.-irk that Mr. Hvde wbos«instinct8areevidently are raore gentleraanly tli«u thi-se of his above mentioued eolleagae's does not indulge in «juite s<j niueh j»erson«l abuse as docs “reverend,” bnt confines hiraself to abusing the Hawaiian race as a whole. He says aiuong other things, “In all ray iutercourse with young Hiwaiians 1 huve raet only oue whom I wouhl eall worthy the namo of u student, eapahle of abstruse thought, tlio study of principles, the acquisition of scientific and pbi)osophical rae iho»!-*.” That certainly if true sj>oaks vory badly for theteachvrs, but we aro inclined to believe that none of them, decidedly not the revereuu Doctor (?), have ever re juired tberaselves, aay sjiontific aud philoaophieal raethods or aro eapahle of any thoughts, e\cept how to got houses, laud and money. The l)cH-tor (?) blows his owu tiu-trumj>ot by saying, “I have shirked noresponsibility nor anv burdon of toil and care iu doiug all 1 eouhl for the Hawaii «u j>ooj>lo.” lf ho, as he claitus, has done ail that he conld—und the result is as bad us he sa\ - s—

his ability md geueral capacity as a teacher and preachor must oertaiuly bo very microscopic indeed. Of course tho Hawaiian jury systeio is eondeioued. Nothing is suid about the foreign j !iies whose iecords are decidedly at a />ur with those of the Hawaiian. The ress n why the Doctor (?) objects to Hiwaiian juries ean be se n in tiie following remark. “We caunot,” savs ho, business iuterosts to tho decision of a Uawaiian jurv. Ii the raauagement of the Kamohameha estate, of whieh 1 speak frora personal knowledge >.s ono of the trustees undor the will of tho lato Mrs. C. II. Bishop, wo are £orced to put up with an inefiioient adrainistratiou of mueh of the property, beoause no Hawaiian jury woukl be likelv to givo us a verdict aecording to the law, and evidenoe’ —that meaus in favor of the Hvde-bound est te.

Tbe Doctor (?) recoivod eon siderablo attention in liisCliristian ['.) crcsado agninst Queen Lilinokalaui uml the iiulepeu ilenoe of tho countrv whieh hus fed aml broad-clothed hiiu for uearly tventy years from one of the Congressraen who spoke ou the McCreary reso!ution. The Hou. Mr. McDannahl c1os(h1 his excellent sj>eech suj>j>orting Pre sident Cleveland by the following rcmarks:

Tbere une more poini to whieh I desire to eall attontiou. 1 approac'h it with dirtidence. aml yet oonstraioed by «ny seuse of duty &s a represeutative uf my pouple ou this flix*r. I believe, it is the elu y of every citizen to clefeiul his co«utry ugaiust unjust nec«isaiions. I, moreuver, believe it is my doly to eipose here, the tiimsy preteuse, tunt the preseut usnn*ers of HUthority iu Honoiulu stanci in any sense for the ChristiHU seutiment of tbis country. 1 know there have been gentle inen rusbing before the pnblic and claiining to reprvsent the ChrLstian cburoh while defending the acts of a lot of land grabbers. I know, too, that ; one gentleman has been qoiok 1 to leave his luxurious home on j Beretauia sireet in Honolulu and liis dutios as a Chrstian miuister to eome bere and bolster up the c.iuse of tbe Dole gang. I kuow that he has. wiih otbers wuaring tb« «ame garb, keeu active iu dĪM«a*natiug eharg*a againat |

th<? character of the late Q «een. Nor. ?'r. '= I !iivt saiV I ilo not c.irv vrhat is the cbarac;cr of the Qneen. so f;*r as th:s investigaticin is concerned. But I beliere it pmper that the people of tbis country, and of the vorld,shoatd know wfaat are the menial cb »r acteristic.= of the men who «re as gnardians of pabUc mor tls. and who seek to b.acken the of tbis nation bv makii:g ns '}>* criuini* m tbeir dee<ls. One C. M Hyde. bas volnnteered his sworn statement in sap|xjrt of the Dole government and to snstain ihe charg*:S made against the Qaeen. Who is this ilev. Dr. Hyde? Wb dare his antece lents and wbit standiug has be beb>re honorable jadgea of character? I will make no reply to these qaestions in my own langn!«ge. A full reply lu»s be«3n made bv one gifted with a command of langnsge e«>mmensarate with his batred of villainy an-1 fa!se witness. I will leave this reverend gentlem in to the jadgmeut of tbis pe«’pie with a refeniuce to a letter a»ldressed to him by K<>bort Louis Stevenson, w ith whieh I close my remarks. T'ic honorabie gentleman then read the faruons letter of Stevenson whieh has been published bcfore in Honolulu and in whieh the “defamer of Father Damieu” _ ts a well d< served monl Hvd-