Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — The Boycott. [ARTICLE]

The Boycott.

While the annexatiou sts,as we several tiraes have referred to, have organi/.- <1 a complete boy cott ag«inst their poliiieal opponents both in social, fiuancial an»l cotnmercial inatters, the Koy«Iists have herctofore not re taliated in any marked tuanner. There is a laek of that vindictive and revengeful feeling

araong our party whieh is so cbaracteristifi in and of the ra : ssionary party that profess to follow Christ. lt may he laek of energy, it raay be a troer spirit of liberal ideas, aml it raay, in some instances, be a better interpretation of what is believed to be Christianity whieh has held tho Hawaiians and their friends b lek wheu eommon jnstice, and ordihary human nature woukl have encouraged thera

to adopt severe raeasures as a matter of defense aud retaliation. The Chinese eoloiu - is better organized. Tliey are able and ready ■it a moraent’s uotice, to show teeth and fight the men hostile to fhera with their own weapons. And tlie when Chinese know that the Achillesheel of an annexationist is to be found in his purse. who ean blarae thera? Why should the Chinese who spend their hard earued dol!ars here buv their goods from men who sit in the councils of the governraent and «dvocate and support me isures whieh mean injustice, iujury, yes, ruin tu them. lf Mr. Bolte, or Mr. Morgan, or Mr. 8uhr desire to adopt au antiChineso policy they are eutitled to do so, but why should they wonder if the Chiuese, protecting their own interests follow a very mueh pro-Chinese policy? If the Portuguese will denounee and threaten the Chinese how ean they expect to receive their trade or their patronage? If raerabers of the American Leagae, sav likeM igxm. Castle, and others will go on the stuiup and on the tloor of the League to support the objects and policy of that organization ean they, iu jnstice, believe that the Chinese will contiuue to fill their ofiices and their colfers > A great deal of whiciug aud corapIaining reaches us on account of the Chinese boycotting methods, all we ean say to the raen of our raoe who elaim to be Cbristiansis that, tt serv‘is them right because they bave forgotten the great aud trulv Chr : stiau maxim ‘‘Do nnto others asyou would.that othersshalldoto you.” In tbe meantime'we ex|>ect to see Messrs. W. O. Sraith and Emmeluth drop their anti-.\siatic uotious as they woukl a hot stove when it proves too heavy for them.