Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WANTED Tlie fo!lowing narobers of the Hoi.omoa: 1893. Jnly 25 Ō69 •• 27 568 Ang 591 •• 592 j “ 593 Ten cents a copy of each nam ! ber will be paid at the Holomua otlice. tf KAWAIAHAO COKCERT. The Pupils of Kawaiahao Semi nurv will f;ive a concert tlieeven ing of March 3rd. The proceeds j to be used to purclmse u piauo b>r the school. Admission 50 cents. Secnre t’clo ts for the Kawaiahao coiicert Murch 3rd. Tichets for sa!e at Benson & Sniith’s, Cistle »t Oooke, J. T. Waterhnuse. Smith‘s. Lewcrs A Cooke and Hawaiian News Co. feb 23-1 w LANDS AT AUCT ON. By virtne of an onler is.sue>l by the Coort through the Chief Jnstīce, Hon. A. F. Judd, in regard to the Cii.se of WILLIAM WATS()N et al. »gainst David Wutson, there will be sold at Public Aneiion, at the Auctiou llooms of J;um?s F. Morgan. at 12 o’eloek noon. on MONDAY, March 19. 1S91. All those premises situated at Kaneohe, K olaupoko, O.ihn; and more j«rticolarly designated as follows, to wit: L )T 1 3.80-100 acres L rr 2 4 21 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.35 “ All are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Pnul F. Manini. Lot 5 20acres Lot 6 ‘4> “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All are p»rts of th prPIDlS€S conveyed bv Kamenameha IV. ito David W atsou, by deed dated Dec. 29, 1862, aml rec->n!eil in Liber 16, p ges 127 «nd 12S. Title perfect. Deeds at tbe expenses of the Purch«sers. I Fur furtber particulars apply to Wim.iam C. Aohi, A lorney for ; the Comoiissioner, or lo S. M. K AAUKAI. Commissiouer. > Honolnlu, Feb. 23. 18»4.