Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — 'TWAS EVER THUS. [ARTICLE]


TJnappreciated H yalist Art. The U.illowine de-i>ns» for the new is«ne of H>»waiian postal stami s w»s picke<] np r.ear the Pcrst Oftice evit!ently hlown ont from tbe waste bask< t. It is a pity th«t it was not accepted. It seeir.s to ns that it wonld have b cn a vast irat r vernent on the stamps whieh are now r.lfered for sale. Honolnln, H I. Oct. 19th 1893. Hon. J. M. Oat, Postmaster General P. G. Dear sir;—In eomplianee with yonr eall for de<;pns for an issne s of P- G Post.»f;e staraps we bep ' leave herewith to snbmit the following. In the event of onr snggestion being contemplate.l in a joenlar vein permit ns to say that it appears to ns no less so than the il!egal conditions whieh called forth your advertiseroent. ONE CENT STAMI'.

A Iurge sonj> tareeu beariog the legerul ‘ ! Mulligatawny” with the intials P G. on either s ile. F gures clenoting the value o{ I stamj) on eaeh of the fonr coruers. ! Color: yellow ochre, indicative of the kiud of soup. TWO CENT STAMP. A P. G. guardsraan (save the raark!) in a retreating posture on right side of stamp, with a !arge hob n iiled boot occupyiug the c'entre of the des:gn, in the act , of kicking him ott the jnc{ure, and it is to be hoped, the f ice of the earth. C’olor sky blue jiink FIVE CEXT STA MP. A 1 irge “al! sccing eye” in | centre of design with the initials !P. and G. on either side. While I the raonosyllablo resnlting froui ‘his combination was accidental meuts of the designex-s. TEX CENT STAMP. A well fed j:>orker, conchant, with intials P. G. njion either tlank. Pnzzle: Find the pig’s oyo. Co!or: indicative of a deep dark brown taste in the mouth. TWENTV-FIVE (T.NT STAMP. A sinking ship disaj)j>earing stern foremost iu the turbnleut sea of pubic ojiinion, name P. G. on bow of ship, nnnierons carpet bags floating ujion the »vaves indicative of the nature of the present so ca!ied government. Figure head of an Hawaiiau Nejitune in a doleful ittitude on bow. Kesfiectfully snbmitted, errors and omissions not excej>ted. Two Amekioan Kovalists. P. S.—When do we get the tan dol!ars a pieee?

The S(nr is sbocked because • the royalists don’t snbseribe to the Kauliane fand. Onr esteeni contemporary evidentlv fergets th;vt w en the poor fel!ow died be \vis praised by the P. G. organs, bec»u?e he was a soli»l annexationist. The hiOi was well-know n a-nong tbe Huwaiiana wbo bave no sympathy for any- | »jne who is a tr.:itor to his eoontrv. to his sovereign. and to bis flag.

Are we g)inz to hive aay r:ices oa the lltb c»f J«ne? It is aboat tmie tht*t onr sportsuaen and the managemenl of the JtK*kv club got a move on, and decided what shall be d me. lf a go*xi day's sport is to be bad the pr>> gramme for the d.»y sboaid be giveu ont aow and tlie d iv finallv fixed. Anybody faaiiitar with ; train:og of horses sbonld know that three months farnisbes a very short tiroe in whieh to get .» borse ia proper conditioa and know that sever«l owner* of the best-bred horses will refose to enter them if tbey cannot be assured now, that the raees will take piaee. Speak np. gentlemen of tbe Club.

The proposition to eall this coontry the Hawaiian ,‘Cominoawealih” soonds to ns like a

«'»roa«'n. “C fflfBOn P'rertv ‘ won’.i l*f iRore aT'pro priate.—tbe weaUh of the eonntrr is cert-ainly not 5, con3raon. bnt »11 heUi by one or two eloao corporations.

Mr. Bolte who al«o was allo* e-1 to shoot bis moi?th tf bef »re Mr B ! onnt, and whose ver*city was vcry niueh qnest'oned by the c n mrais>ioner indu’ge> in eonsiderable pcrsona! »bn.se of Messrs Pirker. Coruwell and Co1bnrn and Peterson. The createst offt*rse rf these gentlemen «n t!ie evcs of the “ger.t'e man” from Enemen 5s thnt thev have no property. We admit that tbat is very bad, bnt we we have known one Bolte wh had nr'gbtv litt1e cf tbe goods cf tbis w rM nniil a few ye«rs ngo and who or»ly then “got on by being pieke l np hy one of the. bv him. despised »nd we »dmit) de1nded Kanakus. By the w»y Mr. B lte. who pnys the most t iNes. Mr. GornwclI or yonrself' The Slnr is a “enekoo" 5t ap- : propriates the T '-’r< idea of the Kanhane Kaonli collection, antl i gives no credit. M hat chumps RovaIists wonkl be to dep‘sit money for any pnrpoae in the Sf'ir |>eoplo s hands! Not a man on the paper from tbe chief to the devil has yet been m tbe country long enong!i to prove that they may not be “wanted elsewheve.

Col. Blount’s Bejiort has at last reached the HoLOMūA office. A !iasty glanco tliroagh its }>ages shows that therc is mueli meotal pahulnm therein and whieh will be presented in snit- • oie doses, in th«' near future, to an expectant public. Tlie testirnonv of eaeh person will be tonched on so that the following loeal gentlemen will soon have the jileasiire (?) of re-retding their fact and fiction in the «HoūowiiA. The ,c,.mkdL bntors to the litcratnre contained therein inelmle Prof. AIexander, V. V. Ashford, H. P. Baldwin. C. B. Bishop, 8ereno E. Bishoj>, W. H. Baisdell, Crister (?) Bolte, W. P Boyd, J. O. Carter, H. Center, D. W. Coffman, J. F. Colbnrn, S E. D imon. Lieut. H. L. Draper, C. T. Gnlick, F. H. Hayselden. C. M. ĪIvde, C. P. I. F. Judd,J. W. Kalua, Kanoho, J. L. Kaulukon. A. V. Loebensteiu, C. J. Lyons, E. C. Macfarlane, Geo. Mundon, W. H. Rice, A. Rosi. M. M. Seott, W. O. Smith, J. H. 8oper. L. A. Thnrston, Dr. Geo. Trousseau. H M <terhonse, W. M. Cunningham, E B. Wells, C. B. Wilson •nd F. Wundenburg.