Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The B<jard of HeaUh is meetinp tbis afternoon. T;.e Conncils hol«I tbeir regnlar ! meetlng tomorrow afternoon. ilcre r«in. more rand. le?s bnsiness and the Chinese bare a boycott on' Tbomas E Wall is no«r the caj)t«in of C<>rapany B of the volunteer corps. Tfae tlag on the American Con ■inlate w,— ra -ed at noon todav. j Halliards out of orJer. Tl.e j»nb!ic w re ; ermitte.l by t <-ir :aasters to i ’irchase one- ! ceiit I" 'tago .sta?^ r , s totlav. * t'. ftnd A. steaaier Warri : ' ..»o ls dne here, today, from the ‘ 1 C*‘lobies en ronte t> Vanconver : b. c. The HoloSica will be d> livered j at vour residence everv evening, i I but Sundav, for 50 cents ner I , 1 i m:>nth. — Stockbolders of tbe Wailuku Sugar Co. held a sjiecial meeting at Uie ofbce of tl»e agents this Diorning. The anniversarv of the b;rth of ; Pytliianism will l>e uoticed by a lndgo celebration in this city, th is evening. * The L ibor Bareau of thesecret L>’Hgue is filled t«> overflowing witb applications for poliee employrnent. The Scheutzen Club held a meeting last evening at their r<«)rns. Severa! new meiubers \vere eurol!ed. Raymond and Whitcomb excurstonists nom the preeints of Boston, and way st:itious, are expected here during the next monlli. i

The early raorning hours were illumined by brilliant electrical disj.lavs and tho heavy boom of j near thunder disturbed light i sleejM?rs. Kaouli tho native* detective i offioer so bad!y stabbed by the mnrvlerously inelineil smnggler C- ssoras, is reported to be fast ' recovering from his woumla. The .snpcrinteudeuts of both ! telephooe lines have had night i aml vlay work f<»r ihvniselves aml lino-men ou aeeounl of the lato o<>ntinnons aud !n avv storms. : The voice of the j>hon<'graph will no Ionger be heard at the i Pbonograph P:«rlors Mr. Stockle h ving gone, w th the instruraent on a tour of Mani aml Hawaii. The following n iiues have been * added to tho !ist of ootgoing passe< grrs bv the Anstralia, viz: Mrs. Ostrom. Mrs Caj>t. Brandt, Mi>s Quiek aud Mr. C. C. Coleman. Professor Lyou’s j»rophesy in ti o th:<t. -, the storm is ovor. but that ihore ;<re plenty ui<>re coming” is a on-vlit to the i<ersj>icuty aml e.*ntiv»n of the weather bnrean. Ou Satunl y ev uing nost the mueh talkod < f coucert in aid of K iwaiahao Sfiuinary will take piaee at K .waiahuochurch. Miss A»nis Mor.tague, the Hawaiiun nightingale, wili sing. The new Gerraan secret society is said to be raeet:ng twice a week to perfect org tnization. The s«ggestion is roade that the of fiers should not overlook tbe fact that a lieenae is nocessary. The iestimonial concert eomplimentary to Mr. M. L. M. PluukeU, is set for tomorrow night at tlie Oj>era Hoose. Apj peamneea >ndic«te th«t the ! oeeaaion wiil be a “bo^Ilper.’ ,