Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Anchor-:-Saloon Ex *AUSTRALIA." -Vnothor Invoice of the Worid Beoowned Fredericksbum' Liger Beer On ilrunght and by tbe keg. Also, a> a Spivialty, SMALL FxES~ Csi- ~0Rl. A 0YSTERS, KOl J C()CKTAILS U '1'2 lm T.H.Davies&Co KAAHl’MANU ST., Ilonolulu, : : II. I. GENERAL am» Commission Mm*lmnts — AN*D — SUGAR FACTORS. AGFNTS FOR Lloyds :— L’ritish aud Foreisjn Marine Insnranee Ooui pany, Limited. Nortfc.ern Assnrance Co, tire i life. Pioneer Line of i*ackets from Lfverpool. Hawaiian Line of PaekeU.

Canadian Pacific Railway Co. a»d Canadian-Anstralian SteamsliiD Co. Liverfool Ofkice: Tbe Albany, Olil HaUSt. feblG-3m I f * MORTGAGEES XOTICE 0F FORECLOSURE. IX ACCOKDAXCE WI i H TH>'. PROVIS’on» of a ctrtaiu mortg:ige lum’.e by KALHANE NAKUINA t,. \VM. C. ACHI, ( dated the ŌHi day of Xovember 1S91, reccrded in Liber i-H,page and dnb a»sigued to Lau Chong, noliee is bereby given thai the mortg gee inteuds to foreuK>se tbe '(yne for condifions l>roken, to wlt: uou-pn_viuent of interest an l pnneipal Xotice fc likewiae giveu that af(. r thc exj piration o! three weeks froui the d«te of tbi» uotice, the property conveyeil by said mortgage will ’oe advertised for »ale at pnbhc anctiou at the anctiou rootns of fanies F. Morgan, in Honoluln, OX WEDXESDAY, the 14th day of Miirch, 18!*4. at lt! noon, of said day. Date l Honolnln, Febmary 13, 1894. LAU CHONG, Assignee . f Moftgagee.

The f i>mUes covere<1 hy u-orlgnfje consi't of—t ;u res sit iate m H:uuoa, Hana, 1 Maai, auil cor.Teye'i t-> au d mon :*™it by ; Kalnwa, liy <iafe ! the l’9tli d*y of An?is!, lSA.‘i, a;ui recor i ■ i iii Li - r -i.i.-e» 102 aiul 103. L 17-3« > LANDS AT Al CT!ON. By virtue of an onler issne<l bv tbe Court tbrough tbe Cbief Jnstice, Hon. A. F. Jndd, in regard to tbe Case of WILLIAM ATSON et al. against David Watson. tbere will be sold at Puhlie Aueiion, at tbe Auction Booms of James F. Morgan. at 12 oeloek aoon, on MONDAY, Marcb 19. 1894. All those premiscs sitnatefl at Kaneol e. Kooiaupoko, Oahu: and mo.e pnr- , ticnlarly designated as follows. to wit: Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 AU are parts of Roval Patent 1/4 toPaul F. Man:ni. Lot 5 20 acres Lot 6 20 “ Lōt 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54.50 “ Ail are j>art-s of tbose premisee couveyed by Kamehameha IV to David Watson, by 0ee<l datcd Dec. 29, 1862, and recorded in Liber 16, p>ges 127 and 128. Title perfect. Deeds at the expenses of tbe Purchasere. funher part:culars applv to I " illloi C. Achi, Attornev for tbe Commissioner, or to S. M KAAHKAI. Commissioner. I Honololo, Fob. 23, 1894. 3.80-100 acres ... 421 “ ...37 96 “ 7.35 “