Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — HONOLULU PRATTLE. [ARTICLE]


As £zpressed ty ' Teia= Cape!.“ MAGDALE\ AT HOVOLCXr. Child, wife or wi-iow, ei«edi2glr tAir, With coL.Ur bhw and {wL- goWen b*ir; D**p*ir «sd de«it ws«s stunped on h.~x bn>w SLe c*me to H**a;i, whr. »berefi.>re, *ad how? A srirl with a hisu>rr. tfce toy of Wīth the fc*hngs of chiLihcod. the passiOBa of ag»; A lair thiog to lore, with aeiione to hate, The rietimof pleasnre, the pIaythjngo/ fate Her yonthfn! hean broken, no peaee and no rest, A poor strieken d re from her home and her nest; Flittiiig hither and thither from memon to be, A shipwrecke existcooe, a waif on life‘s aea. DiJ we pity her, yes, &nd we pray for her still, For there i- re>t for the weaiy if th» weary one will; Where onr sins if as erimson shall l>e white *s wool, A worked oot salration, ever froe, ever fall!

A \EW CLl'B. A new club to be called “The Patriot ; c’' is contemp!uted. The object of tne club will be to resist i!legal demauds mado upon its members, aud three of its watch words will be: Fir&t, “Hawaii for the Hawaiiaus.” Second, “For tho cuuse that lacks ass stance, for the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, aud the g >od that we ean do.” Third. “The voice of the people is the voice of God ” The password of theclub will be “The P. G. is an ass.”

A TKIBUTE. Pniiae God from whom all blessings flow, Forgiving,Dole to us_below; May he aiui ail the P. G.’s swell, The Augels luilhem do«n in—well? - - * THIS IS A ClT!IOUS COCNTI!Y. W \ were having a shave one afteruoou iu the shaving par!or of tho “Grand ’in Frisco. One of the guests at the Palaee was a gentleman representing Rothchilds of Londou, who had just then purchased a large track of land (for a syndicate) in Lower California—he paid hal£ a-doII;tr an acre for the laud. This geutlcmau was seated in the nextchair, aud the barber had given him a good “get up.” Ho asked the charge and w»s told a “dollar.” He paid the money and remarked; “this a curious couutry where they charge a man the j)rice of two acres of land for a shave!'’ An impecunious frieud of ours said. “Hawaii beats that; why old man, would you believe it. people there got so fond of me when I got in debt that they actually insisted of keeping me there. Isn t that bospitality?

THE SHOOTIXG STAR. The uight wtis dark and not a Star pierce d throagh the gathenug gloom . And the office dowu on Fort street was as sileut as the tomb; shsdows d»nced up«>n the wall, the lights were all put out Aud Smith. the mighty «ihtor, was uowheie lhere-about, The Stnr had fallen with a enuh, had busted gone to pot, Stockhold j rs broke, a gruesome eiew of holders withont »tock; TLe li>tie man who runs arouud with no coat upon his back With a pile of bills was hustling like a her npon Smith s traok. Alas: Alas; tfce opague Slar had had its !ittle day And with • sigh had di«d quite out; Ta ra ra boom da are.' V

LOOK OCT TE CRIPPLES. lt has been stated that the revolutionists have in coutemjj!a- . tiou the passage of a measure for i the prompt arrest of all persou* j *>Aprcssing roya!ist opinions pnb- ! Iicly. I'3I XOT CODY— ODD. S»id Smith well Sghi; noi run mr Xor liw to 6ght nnother div ; Thej-’U know oe by my de«dij m*rk As Un* roT*lUts «11 lie «tiff «nd st«rk; Mt liinw is SarrH not Svtth or SwrraiE. In deeds oi hlood I'm «lw»y» with y«. And I'm not Cody-Odd, Cody-Odd, Cody-Odd, Cody, Cody-Ornns.

• • • ALAS HAWAII. It is stated th»t tbe majority of tho steernge passengdrs of the Austraiia eame across at the ©x- j penae of the P. G. or some of 1

their frends. Be this it atv ,t ’° r" ; rtj’ b.tve r - tbe "batcben ' vicimrt- >• nt of the revolot onists. To the W cst, to the We»t, to tLa ;sle of the sea, Wfcere ;he aagbty PaeiHe n>2» ghrkmnh Where a man is a mas if he» wfS;ng to rtaal, AaJ the ?ich«r the thieL tbe greater the <Vol