Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral Advertisements A WA ST PR 0JECT, CCRETAFT UIE 0F SC10IEBS—il)lt OnatmtT ftr iLL. Owirg to Oor Coostant’y Incre#8iDg Basinesē and the Dcmi»c<l tf «o Af>| reciāting eommnnil/, we have cooc!oded to offer an opportorjitv to all parties having eupilai.—OL T R LINE OF BCHOONERS mvy be seen glidmg over tbe Bab, fil!ed to their otmost carn ing capac ty, with CLEAR, COOI ano Li»VIGORATING Fred l«port bura S LAUEE BEEB Atme “Anchor Saloon! " To sc< oiumod»te Our Vast F'eet of Schooners, we have buiit a Fiue, Large Re{r ger»tor, Regardles8 of G st. 071 xe “-<&-xxclxox,” ls the only j)lace whore a Cool Glass of Frederioksbnrg Beer on draugbt ean be had in Honolulu. Step forward Oenilemen. now is the time. NOTICE ! The Unders : gned has Received from the E8stern Stutes The Tavsrest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evor Imported to tbe Islands. It Conchules as Follows: Cloth, 3 grados; Cues, assorted; Casbions. by Block. patent; % Billinrd Balls, composition and ivon ; l’ool Balls, do., do. Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castiugs, with leather and fringe, completo; Pocket Nottings, fringe aml leather; Rubber Covers, Court Plaster, green and black; New Shle Chalk Holders, Triangles, Shako Balls and Leather Bottles Pool Pins, >, Markers, etc., etc. The above Gooils have been Purchased at Reduced Rat»s, aml the ondersīgned is now prepared to do »ny aod »11 kiuila of BILLIARD TABLE AVORK at re&sonable rates with disj>«tch. Also new aml secoml haml Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Ploase Apply lo J. P. BOWES, Peny Block. Holel St, Honolulu \j, E. 8( Bf^o 1MP0RTERS AND DEALERS IN G roceries, I 3 rovisions AXD Feed, EAST CORNEE FORT& KISG STS. New Goods Reo’d By every Paekei from the Eastern SUiee and Euiope. Fresh CaIiforni» Producc by every 8te&mer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Good» delivered to - anv part of Ihe city FREE 01 CHAP.GE. l»Und Ordere SoIiciled. S*titjf«ction Guar«nteed. Pot» 0£m l?o, Vi6( T»Upheae Vo, 9S.