Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 March 1894 — A Happy Event. [ARTICLE]

A Happy Event.

Ttse pnb’i'-lv snn«or.oed of A!bn to Oolonel George W. M;u'far!ane k e\trecr.el_v giutif\'ing to tte friends of the c< • tractiug partie<. M Aibu bas endeared herself to everbodv whose good fortnne it has been to meet ber, doring her st<y in Honolnla while CoIonel Macfarlane is perhaps the most popalar man in Hawaii, Miss Aiba who shorily will be known as Mm. Macfarlane was born in Leeils, Yorkshire. Eogland and is of Spanish descent. Her beactiful roice was trained nnder the bost icstrnctors of the Royai Col!ege of Musc, London. of whieh the Piīnee of Wales is tuo presideut A "Oi g her teachers in singing was Jennie Liud and Mrs. Kendall instructed her in eloeulion. The gifted vocalist was introduced to London society by Lady Rosebery •tnd she made her debut ou the sbige with Sims Reeves. She has concerted in South Africa. where she hns a brotber, and iu Australia aud New Zealand previous to her arriva! here. where

;he has met with great nppreciation of her magn;Cc9Qt aud highly cultured voice. Uolonel Geo. Macfarlaoe, was born in Honololu, in 1S49 and has always resided here. After having been favorable kuown in the emp!oy of several of the oldest firms in Honolulu Mr. Macfarlaue established his own business whieh gained great ]iromiuence here. The Uolonel who always was a close frieml of King Kulakana, | heeame a Chamberlain to his late Majesty in 18SS and retnained in thut positiou unt 1 tho death of the muchlumeuted monarcb.Colonel Macfarlane, who is one of the owners of the Roval Hawaiian 1 Hotel, whieh is under his personal managemeut is one of the shrewdest and cleverest financiers of this country. He tioated iu ! 1886 the Hawaiian loan in London aud is one of the principal “promotors of the Hawaiian Sugar Company. Among the raauy honors whieh have been granted to | tbe Oolonel are decoratious from I thesovereigas of Japan, Portngal, Belgium, Siam and Servia. We only represent generul opiniun and popular sentiment when \ve express the raost sincere cougratulations to tbe eouple who now propose to enter upon theventure of matrimony.

Tlie Oolouel will leave with Miss Albu by the Mariposa aml be married in Sun Francisco.