Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 March 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A.d vertisement?» J. KEMPNEH, ?ashiosabl5 Toilop GENnm« srrrs ud cloth!NG r?" M aPE Tv> ORDER (7»W Variety o f Fhut ClMh in Sto?l\ C!eaning and Repairin(j Xeathj Done. Terms ReasonabIe. Give me & TriaJ. 10T KING STREET. Opposite • n £* on * Honolala rt | HotoI, » fel L. H. DEE» JOPBEK OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort and Bethel sireets. Hoīiday Presents The undersigued beg leave to eall the attention to a large assortment of tasteful aud elegant Jewelry, suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiian FIasr !Pins in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian J ewelry " a specialty. If jou want to bay an elegant and «t the same time an meipensive Christmas Present. eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. LI.NDSAY. Block, Fort St.Hon«lulu decl tf Sans Sanci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKi, HONOLULU.

First-C!ass Aeeemmooafions for ~ Tourisfs and !s!and Guesfs. SUPER!0R BAThnNG FaC/UT!ēS. Private Cottagea for FamllieS . T.'A.rSIMP802i. Man4aer.