Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

Along the Wharves.

The O, S S Vnvtr*!ia took ber »lej>«rtur»» for S«n Fmn<M«co «i uoon tod«y. o«rrTiog «vay « l«rpe unn)bor of pM»ng»rs »n»l « full cirj!ii ot is)»Dil prvxluoe. Tb« sl»ip 11 P. Cbenev will U» rapuiiy !o«dod «« tbe sng«r OWMl m from tb« otber is!«r.ds m*l will b«r« quick despatcb. Tbe Irn-p\rd follows tbe Cbeot*V. Umb »ttlcometbe Vil la)ta. m turn. for io«ding » ig«r Tbe bark Helen Bre*?r is 116 days out fr\>ni New V*»rk. St e m«v l>e eri«ctol to atrive next we*»k. The barkeutinea S. N. Cast!«. PUnter. aud S. O. Wilder. all froiu San Francisco, onght to sbow up oext wet*k. Tbe C. A. 8. S. Warrīmoofrom w Sydney to Vancoorer B C. i* doe to arme tbis eTeaing.