Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — WE STILL LIVE. [ARTICLE]


Trnth A:id Justice Must PrevaiL — Tho reoeivc«l todny by ! the is «?xtremely encoareging t<* th< Ioy«l H«w,iiians. 8©n«tor Morg»n wlio ratlior enminitt,«l hims«*If t • tlie Ntincxntion »ch**ino of tlie cot»rie represente t l by II.• 110. ttnil Stoveus has innnn- | f*ctar> «1 a r*«|HMt to the Senate ' in whieh he so!» ruuly aasnres the Amorio »n i>eop!.. that evrrybodv : was r ght, that evervbo«lv was a goufitiuan. an«t that evcrvthinp is lo«v’v. 11 is rojH«rt wiu» table«l i in t'v» S >n.'«te by a in «j<n itv o? five. The D»ra<vmllc “«nin«uity“ ! rej>ort. couJ -mni ig H«rris*m an«l Stevens w«s a>]opte«l on a str ct pirt\ vote - Mr. M««rgan b««inp »Wnl. Tiie H .waiinn n'atter is ni'w «ft in tbe b>«n«ls of Clevelaml. Ho ean «lo whatcver he plcavcs an«l as his po!icy bas alrc •1v becn «l>stinctlv ontlin«><l it is *i *t <lifiioiilt to pr<>phesv his future n«ovcmcnts. If thc provision«l g «rornraont ehouM n>f»s<> t » sobinit to the «lem m«ls of the * Araeriean l'rcsi«lcut ho ra«v then fi 1 1 otber in*'ans thro«igh whieh t’iat nitereatingho(ly o(land-gr«b | bcrs i-in l»*» <n-»«l» to vie!d. The *everi*»gof di|d«>in*lio re!ations . with Hawaii *nd tl»e sul«s.H{ i«>nt , c*'u' '>«tu>n of tbe R>*ciprocitv tr>>»«v w>n I Ik> i nisttcr of s»ch sorion» in««>iieot U» this couutrv that it «onld b» vell w»rth while f«r Mr. I> »le *n«l hls frien ls t«» pa»*.' en 1 think. I efore they br ng m«»re injmy *nd morc ' dts*s’er ap»n this, tbeir a«lopted ' coantrv. i i i