Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Congress and Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Congress and Hawaii.

Washington Feb 1»».—Hoar intr '*luce<i a bill in tke Seo»te f<>r the sappressu»n of lotteri«. The wun! “Iuttery” i> made to enabrnce ratflew anJ g;ft ent**r. pris»*s. The bill ro.«kes :t « feIoay* pnn:sbab e bv a fine* f f 10X1 > r iwu yean>’ iinprisoam»ut. ur both, fur anv person to contrive or to propose a lott«*iy. s*ll l<»ttery tickets or dep<»sit tbero in tbe raads witiiin tbe jur.s*l ction of the Uniled States. or so th.«t tbey j mav l>e bonght iu tfae United Sutes. Before going into ex**cutive session, on motion of Hoar a r« | soiution wa s adopte*l requesting ; the President. “if n> l incompatible with puhlie interests, to ; < eoinronuicate t<» ihe Senate all j rec*«r*ls and dispatches from Willis, Minister to if.»w«ii.not heretofore transroitte*l osj>eci«lly tl«e disp.«tch eommnnie ting the lett**r fron> President D »!e sj>ecifing cert «in cbarges against the eoiuluel of said Willis.” After »ome routme business i the Senate went iut > executive »• ssiou on the Peokham nomiualion. In the Honse. Cuinmings. | ehaiman of the Coraroittee on Naval Atf.«irs. presented as a qnestion of privilege t!ie report I >«f his curoroittee ou B >utolle s ! reao niion, calling np >n tho Secretarv of the N tvv to mfurro the Hou»e b>- what authoritv inw • strnctions \vere issueJ in placiug the arroe*l naval f«>rcos of the United St.«tes an>l the use of its eusign under the c<«utrol of <)aaies U. Blouut; als >. t<> furnisb the Huuse eopiea of all orders, directions. instructious or otficial | saggesti*>ns issued bv hiin since ■ M«rch 4. 1893, concerniug the raoveroents of the uavai forces iu H «waii. He exj>laine«l th «t 'ihe cominittet, rec*iro!neml«*d tlie passxge of > the resn!ntion umeiul >1 su hs to c «ll for all *>rd**rs from M«rch 4. 189-2. ;nstead of 1803. He vield- ,! ed a uomeni to Boot**!le. who iirge*i the iroportance of tbe reso- ; Inliun. whieh he sai«l had already I been del«yd six w«?eks. The inforroatiun cal ed for by it he thong)it, sh >ul,l h ive b**«*n befure the Huuse waen the H «waiian reso!ution waa being debate«i. The resoiutioQ was adopte*I withont divisioo.