Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — LABOR NEEOEO. [ARTICLE]


Mors J&panese lo be Bronght īn I # Hoo. R W Irwie. Hawwiiaa M;n stcr Re*s>deat *l Tokio. l«ft H -n- lalu hy th« (.K'eame en a m.ssit>o He goes to o«goliat« f. r a sbip<n«nt of Jap«o«»« plaalatioo ltl>‘'nFrs News will b« rweive*l from Mr Irwm by Ihe Manpoaa fn. ni th« coast oa the 12th o( Aprif. He wil! e*ble from Tokohama (o tbe l mt*M States. Tfcīs lot of Japs will number ab>*ut 1000 men aud 2l>' women. If they eome at ail <t will W anu«r tbe old agn?«m«nt T.e only cl«os« of the contract bearing on pnhlie p l»cy s as follows; “IV. Tbe Hawaiiau gorernnuent gnamnte s to tbo said party of th» sec >nJ pirt anJ bis f»mily. tbe l’ull «t}ual anJ }»erf**ct prot«clion of Ihe Iawsof : tbe coontry.'’ Tbe w fig re 1- $12 50 for the men an*i $10 for th« women. Hj»ars»retcn m tbe fields an.l twcl\e in thc mills. with 12| Iml S ccnts .*u b »ur ov rtimt’ forj »u*n auJ womea. The «}uestion of satTV«ge for tjualificJ Ja}>s J. < s nof cnter into :be deal at th>s| end. It may b« brought (orw*nl by tbe cbrvsaQtbemuin g *\ern 1 meut. Then* m.*v be a detuanJ for more }>ay. PUutations were never befon» iu such >traits f»r labor. They J i are sbort-hamleJ ne*rly «Teiy-j where, anJ tbe coutracts o( sev < eral tbousauJ coolies will e\j* n about the miJJIe of the year. By tbe M.iri}K*sa today tbere will leave for tbe Coast two lonas to sign idle roitiigne.se f»r s« rvice on the islamls. The re*}ui sition is for 242 (amiliea. This means 400 to 000 laborers wiih ' tbe wage about $17. Tbere wili ; bo no ditficnlty in getting tbe j*eopl**. The Plautors >«re ia • 4k*4 Uww.lwu.lu i'/\rt it . i guese formerly on tho islanJs aro iu Jestit«te circnmstances on the Coast. The fact is well known everywhere. — Star.