Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OCEAXIC STEAMSHIP C0 Tlme Tnhle. LOCAl LIXR S.s. ACSTR ALIA. Leavd Hoaolnlu. M M >r 8 MonoWi»i / Apr 1 vl <iue<In Miy 8 M mpos» M v 31 Mouowai J ne 2s Alamoili Julv 26 M«ripusi -Aug 23 M nowai .Sei*t 2l) Aiameila Oct 18

Anchor-:-Saloon E\ “AI’STKALĪA.” Another Invoice of the World Renowned Fredcrick<I)urLf Beer On ilraught and by llio Ltg. Also, a> a Speeialty, S V1ALL FRESH CaUF0R\ A 0YSTERS. KOH a)CKTAlLS fo2*i lra

LANDS AT Al*CT ON By virlue of a» or.Ur isy«ne<l by t'.e Conrt thruagh the Chief Jnstio*?. H. u. A F. Jmhl, m retr ml to the Case *»f WILLIAM WATS<>N et al. Hgainst David Wit>on, there will l»e sold at l 3 ub!ic Anotion. at the Anction 1> «nn »>f J tmes F. M»rpm i* ooioek Mo-n. on MOND.\V. Mm h 19. 1S94. AU tbo>* reitiīs* s >ītuat«nl »t K «neohe, K *uiaupoko, Oiiha; an>l more jar-ticol-trly des:gn’»ted as foilows, to wit: LoT 1 3.80-1*10 ai*rcs Ail are parts of Royal Pateot 174 t«> T«ai F. Manim. 1>-T 2 ... . I. rr 3 L >r 4 L< t 5 . Lot 0 .. Ix>T 7 . . . ....- *J0 acrcs $> •• *3> •• I»t 8 L* nr 9 54.50 ** .. 54 50 **

All »r* p;»rts t>( pr<‘mt-n c«.»o»eye«l by Kam -h im» i IV t.> D»»ul Wntso«». I»y tler>l 4.»l «i IVc «ol m'’‘r'W iq l.iber 1*5. p*ge> l‘i7 »Qii liS. Tltl« JH‘rfrt l. IW.U at tbe etpeo.v$ uf tlie Pou'haaen» l‘‘>r farth* r ptrltcuhrt «pj>lv t«> WlLLU* C. 'AeHI. Attoroev *(or tbe CV tu® ise»ioo<f r. or lo S. M K AAl KAl * C'-maj»e»oaer. H>oo1qI» Fet. 23, ld5M. 2sotio>»T txMMi i: » A-./ai#, ** *»*-* lEi lOl « !tr IV;*.,*' >- » \ « H n »*> »; V«Ln«^ ***■ k » o k (H _ » K«iJ vrof V. W«M«. Oai, M r uhm.