Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The I itest sbsurdity »<n tho p .rt of t).e graml aggr» gsti of »i<sl<xn 8t.d eooneienoe whieh by ihe gr»ce <>f eannon «nd sandb<gw, is now in»t »lled in lolnni P»b«, app<-ars in its pr<»posed •'lnw’’ f<»r the h<>l»ling of a eonatituti<>n.il c«»ovent‘on. That projh.s» «1 < nacttuent l»citig ratber l*ngthy. an exl;na»tiw critk’isni <>f it« \ r».vi«ioii« wou!d re»juire iiH»n> <f»• ;r «paee th».n its ituj»< rta’ ee desenres, wberef<»re we will c<»it**nt eioweh***, f<»r the j r*‘»< iit, with a reference to some <<f it« m<st eccentric halonw. To b“g u wi h t!.o so!e purj«»se of a const tuttooal conveution i« to fr »mc a < »»:istitutj<>u for sohmis sioti t<> t ie j»eo()ie. as a bagis for a r*’turii to gettled poverninent. Such a ieturu <>f e »urse inijdles tl e *-\t !i. tion of the ho!y l'ro vihi(it>al Oo\ernment, whieh cnnn»’t e mlinue to cx -t nft**r the r» -uifj’t ii of gnvemtnent under c<*n-t luUouil forms The cxt:nction < f th<> existing rr>jimr m v th< r<’f"r\» be st«te»l as the j>nipi<iy ol<ject <>f the l,iw j»rovid tng f ra e >nreution. But in the f..cc < f this h p eal necfs-ity, the j»rop. s»*»t '*l«w imj>oses a tcst *>!ith »>f *true allegiance” t<» t!ii«iiue 1’ C« whieh it is its prim«rv |>on> "<• to e\tinguish. .Iust how a man ean bear “trne allcgian»’e” to a governraent wLile »leliberately planninp its de«truct *>n, is one of the prob le i -whi.’h we leav* tothesapient { : nker« n- «1 sr»aj»l»oilers of the P. G. The <>atb nlso j»ledgcs the t ik«*r t » c»j’j »>se the restoration of <■)** Mon »rchy, an 1 of Her j)iesent M j<*sty in j»«rticular. The etf«>ct (and no doubt tbe reason) of this i- to s<> ctrcumscribe the ehoiee <»f the vcter as to nec.'««rato tb« a«l«»j>tiot «>f s«>nte “scrub” fortn t»f govemmeut. ho»ev«-r inferior in uieri*. to a bl»er»l raon*rchy. Ther« m\v 1h> the further object t>» exclod*> all n>yalists from th«* polU, atul leave Ihe se|«otioai of deleg;»t**s to the >lel«»ctibl«» eoiu j >nu<l « f V »nkt'«>-l)ufch Sw. de Port«guee«* resideats wberein tbe P. t« t- ble?-s«Hl \»ith its cbief « :j»jv*rt. but i( th«t lxc> the object. w. 11 aiul g)xvl.—«s the m-nU w ili show that only a e'i j»<ral - g‘»ard, «s eoni|».rtHl witb tae total uumber of eleetors. have reg -tere»l tbeir votee. acd lbat tho con»eution tf it sh«ll ever meot. «whicb is ro >rv th*u doubtfuI.) will repre sent toerelv a dieoor.laut rnmj> of raouthing n»«bcals «o»l snivel- , lmg nisaienariee. Thun, it i« prvpo*ed to lowe ihe pns- nt raeraWr» ot lbe «hioocd« in tue couvent <>n, without e ectu»u Tbt* ta a very prudent provisi *ti o« tbeir part for it iuust be obvioa» to tbe leaal mtell genl < f tbem, Ihai n»*t a j motber’s son of lkeir gangcOuld, bv at»y j>osaib)Uty. s-H-ute elee j tiou»-ndera fatr b«llot Tbev. tbereforv. foilow tbe emalooa exaraj»le cf a former Mexic*c

Covcr*<' who pass«-J a rx*ruiation dtH'l«rmg th«mt<el\«8 rw* eleeUni lor »»ulher tertn, alter, putti(ig tbetu«elve& by the r leg j«cali*rili««. beyouJ tbe hope ol e leotion by tb« peop e. But the uqoiry i» |ertin«a( i» to «hom lae pumeul Oouueillom rvpr«*out»( Cy wbiM »otfer« or u|k>u «hu»« ehuiee Uo

th**v p -r pr»«* |n «Īt iii (*nor«>ntk>u? Jf tl.«* Mr» of sn el«t!(H5 to -«•*’: r»‘ r* j m***nUth»s» of tbe *bj n«<t carry tb--pnnepl* to it* legītiQiate end, »od b*ve «l' the di-!< pib-t el«rt ed " I- it WeanMe tbe d*— re r.f preMent Cott.cilkr> to stit in C"n Tenli* n »« s!r* ?pvr thu tLeir b«vuited n c»nl f-;«r repn**ent<»t it*> in»tttei''inf P* rh»p* st i- be c»ibe thev, in thetr saperior wi*Mlon. bave kanid what no olher» know. n.vra<iv; that tbey »re more fitte*i by ment»l iud tnorai eqai[ meni to fami.e rrf: Ui «j j--t • — of rfrum nt thvn »ny th- r- who c*i'»'d pr--.. <vy be f <ur.d «!lhin our tmp:c -ih r--Ah ! *<*i !I •eltheuicontinoel'«f : r fjn«>Of d»r.c*. Ar- de Twvk<*ning (nr ihem !ie? oot f»r bef>re. P ai! »t t>« »«imitud ■# < l the ar»; ini[*«>rtiri' •• ti at ihe ««. rvv “m 5si..narj'’’ «>i<-ro«' t ><f the pr»*««int r'jtme eh'll l»e * d wneii.’’ aml th-e!«-ction, ev»*n a* th**y pmpnee it. wiil *> m!y ftf-ct tbvt< bj-ct Thde!e« r '-eii<r>»rie» tn»y sjif**ly t>M iefi t> t if tM>der rn« rcie? of thr r»d crls and the ! tter c*n b de«:t wilh !aleron. Th*T«-’» plenly <>f tiaif, no hnrry. In the o><m time a I h« :• v* rs 5r. tbe nionarchy. a;.d ili tr if «<iv.ic.it-« of ’*govern* menl of the >>f«>ple. by the [>et>[>if. and for lhv peopie" will l«t th> fvrce e-Vfrely alone, and li«ten f»r the d ill tln:d th:»t a>vaits the C* ntrTl Uui >n cont;'igent ia poiitic«.